Some erroneously still think he's a genius. He's not. He's simply when it gets right down to it - insane. His fortune could be gone in a blink of an eye and he's doesn't seem to know this.
All countries need to coordinate and stand up. Quite possibly a Trump vs Musk battle will do it - maybe?
We get comfortable and can’t feel the ground moving beneath our feet, until an event wakes and shakes us. Powerful forces around the world are working on the return of fascist authoritarians. Pursuit of power, money, and idealism, are driving this, and it must be resisted everywhere.
A boast that money can potentially buy anything? A terrible future for the UK under billionaire financed extremists who care nothing about the ordinary person and our freedoms.
Just goes to prove that knowledge and smarts isnt everything, its about what the billions can buy. or maybe he'll try to buy it with DOGE coin or something.
I think President Musk under estimates the British voting public.
When a billionaire runs around the globe donating money to political parties, do people think he is concerned with the welfare of the citizens or is it more logical that he wishes to take control of these countries and add to his coffers of wealth and power?
The naïveté of Labour and Tory politicians is astonishing. They seem completely unaware of the world we’re already living in, blindly playing by the rules of a game that’s been usurped by something far more sinister and sophisticated.
That is an illustrative pic to go with the article’s point. These people in this stratum often seem to be unwell. This article pings on my curiosity as to whether that difference in brain function is what makes them so “successful” or if the super-success rots their brain.
Yeah that's what I think. He's the dork in the corner who suddenly finds he's the centre of attention, and so goes more and more ridiculous trying to stay there.
So a guy who is an immigrant wants to back a political party (who's only policy is to stop immigration) in another country???
This shit gets more weird by the day, stop the world, I want to get off.
We have seen disruption like that before, in Germany during the 1920s and 1930s. Back then the billionaire was Henry Ford, and the fascist on the other side of the pond was Adolf Hitler. It didn't end well.
Musk’s increasing media presence since the US election should resurrect that old chestnut about fascism being the intimate alliance of corporate super power and politics. And maybe also Marx’s claim that history happens twice: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.
Countries have to act on this, and fast, before billionaires create one world-wide country with themselves (or one of them) at the helm. Imagine being governed by tech incels.
Am expecting Nigel Farage to spend much of it on himself jetting back and forth 1st class to America to see his buddies Trump and Musk and pretending to be Ambassador
Well he's just trying to compensate for the fact that even with all his billions and cool tech, he still can't buy his kid's affection, who has told him repeatedly that she wants nothing to do with him and that he should go fuck himself.
With all the money and technology in the world, he still couldn't buy the love of his daughter who has repeatedly told him that she wants nothing to do with him. Such a brilliant father he is. /S/
It's only then he'll see the error of his ways. Or probably not. I wonder if he goes to sleep at night and thinks "if only I was a good father and not a sperm donor, my daughter would still want anything to do with me?" He probably doesn't think that, he doesn't feel or care about anything but Elon.
Voters seriously voted for Boris Johnson. Voters opted for Brexit in a referendum that was only a consultation and then insisted it be pushed through. They-
We're shitting our pants, and Russians only understand the language of force and think only on themselves. I have a russian ex-girlfriend, I've learned that much 🙄 Not saying they're all bad, but that's their culture, and that's why only autocracy works there. It's their whole history 🤷♂️
I could be missing it, but I'm watching, and I don't see the people and institutions that could fight these greedmongering, power-hungry monsters and stop them, or at least obstruct and slow them down. I see indifference and weakness.
Nay, he did'nt donate money. He gave some of the money he stole from the people back. So use this money for the poorest and not some rich liars to rule the poor.
It will be a mess like we in the US are right now. Keep the billionaires out of your country’s government, especially ones not even living in your country and that have neo nazi ideas! You know who I’m referencing.
This is basically foreign interference and should be blocked Any donations from a person in another country should not be allowed and any MP or party accepting them should not be allowed to stand. Even if that includes Labour. I don't care. I'm sick of rich people buying the UK government.
All countries need to coordinate and stand up. Quite possibly a Trump vs Musk battle will do it - maybe?
Elon Musk is a virus. He has already infected our incoming government.
Fight The Virus!
And what the UK needs most, obviously, is more political drama...
The media paints him as a jerk because the media belongs to the Deep State Zionists.
The horrible mass immigrant mess in Europe is Zionist.
I think President Musk under estimates the British voting public.
He's riding a "manic high" is my thinking. It'll pass. A couple of his exes are saying the same.
There's a fair amount out there about Musk's "moods". He's not well:
This shit gets more weird by the day, stop the world, I want to get off.
Every single day I am reassured more and more about my decision to leave the UK.
That sounds familiar!
"Nick Candy promises that party will deliver ‘political disruption like we have never seen before’"
More Brexit with a dash of Mr. Wrkxit.
Billionaires will be their own undoing, and that may be a good thing.
Vote your best interests!!!
He's also insane.
Now they want Elon involved, you couldn't make this sh!t up.
The rule of law is only a doctrine, a belief system. It has nothing to do with reality.
They already bought Brexit for paradise.
The Zionists are in control.
They definitely need help.
They are simply buying entire countries.
K !
Be better than US
Avoid elonia