But loses of £3.8 million on turnover of £6million is not encouraging. Maybe they'll be helped by buying the venerable, and much loved Observer from a company that was running it perfectly well, but decided to gift the buyer £5 million.
"The loss will add to concerns expressed by senior journalists at #TheObserver [and] #TheGuardian over the financial outlook of a business that has yet to make a profit since it launched in 2019." https://on.ft.com/41WkYGO #SaveTheObserver
I love Tortoise podcasts. I wish them well with The Observer. We need papers to be owned by as many as possible instead of conglomerates or media barons, it limits reporting, editorial and most essentially freedom of speech.
Tortoise making losses is not news. Who is backing Tortoise financially regardless of losses IS.
And I find this other article an absolute disgrace in the middle of what is going on. But I'll repeat, I'm not blaming journalists here, the blame is with hierarchy.
#TortoiseMedia records almost £3m loss
"The loss will add to concerns expressed by senior journalists at #TheObserver [and] #TheGuardian over the financial outlook of a business that has yet to make a profit since it launched in 2019."
https://on.ft.com/41WkYGO #SaveTheObserver
Pretty shameful when you could have turned your situation around better by dumping Viner.
And I find this other article an absolute disgrace in the middle of what is going on. But I'll repeat, I'm not blaming journalists here, the blame is with hierarchy.