They're adults. You get what you vote for. If they were clueless enough not to see through him, then they have to take the consequences without complaining.
I agree with every single criticism of these people, but these idiots used to vote blue, and if they continue to vote red the country will continue to be fucked. It’s not in OUR interest merely to dismiss them.
Yep. Youngstown native here and I get these folks’ concerns. I don’t agree the solution is Trump and I don’t care for some of their views, but I get where they’re coming from. It’s not all about racism and misogyny - it’s about feeling left behind. Will Trump fix it? Hell no. /1
100% this. My patients were afraid of communism but would tell me everyone has a right to healthcare and dental care, decent housing, union jobs etc. I’m like, you’re so close! But I couldn’t get them across the line as a lone voice
12 yrs and the DNC did nothing but react to supposed RNC messaging. By design. Politicians DIDN’T care about them. How long have we been complaining about white collar crime, and corrupt politicians. For a small % at least 50yrs. The answer to a higher % of progressives from both parties was facism.
I was a rural doc in western PA and I knew and loved my Trump voting patients well. It’s complex but at the core is the valid belief that they have been left to die by the institutions of America. Neither side will help them but Trump is a nihilistic “F you” to both sides. They’re dead anyway
Thanks for answering!
As an outsider who lives in a country with a fairly strong social safety net, and having seen the benefits to the entire population, it boggles my mind that Americans will continue to vote against their own interests, and the wellbeing of their neighbours.
Can't fix stupid - they think they both sides are corrupt liars and vote for the one that really is. What makes them think they will get any help this time?
Again we know how much Trump hates illegals. Have you heard about the time Trump hired illegals to build Trump Tower? That story too, is much worse than one might expect.
The Atlantic City Casino projects are similar. Renegotiating to pay lower amounts than billed after the work was completed and or straight stiffing contractors and daring them to sue. Or turning people in so they never got paid. People need to read up.
We have all heard how much Trump hates illegals taking jobs from Americans. Question, why did Trump pardon Sholom Rubashkin whose American Agriprocessors Meat Packing Plant employed over 10,000 of them? The story is much worse than that.
Donald Trump promised to remove Federal Taxes from tips, but failed to mention that 80% of tipped employees do not earn enough, $19,400, to owe federal taxes. Trump has repeatedly threatened to abolish time and 1/2 overtime pay as a present to the vicious rich.
Don’s feel sorry for racist MAGA lumpenproletariat
“Some Trump supporters are actually alarmed by parts of his platform – one cigarette shop patron said he was worried the future administration might make his kidney dialysis unaffordable– but their anger at the Democrats outweighs those concerns”
. “I never liked Trump even when he was only a builder in New York … because he stiffed union workers and he generally seemed like a douche bag,” said Tim O’Hara, a former president of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union at Lordstown. “One thing I wasn’t then and I’m not now is a racist,”
“misogynistic, uninformed dipshit who enjoys supporting a rapist, felon, traitor … These people have no clue yet what they’ve done, but they will find out.”
Very sad! This exemplifies what so many in this country think and believe. Hating their neighbor and "the other" non-white is so deeply ingrained that they would rather suffer in poverty than live in a successful, integrated community!
I was happy to ready the article to understand how someone can be so conned. We must keep trying to understand the whys if we’re to help. We know the 🍊 felon taps into hatred, racism & ignorance. Their bitterness is misplaced. Oligarchs are mostly to blame. They moved factories out of the US for $.
“They see a political class corrupted by big-money donors who, they say, don’t care about communities like theirs”
Oh really??? Feckin eejits. Maybe they should catch up on the news, turn off Fox for a day.
As the whole thing crumbles I hope the MSM are doing interviews in redneck Diners asking them how much they love His Eminence & the new Martial Law & Musk ❌drone civilian surveillance system
So this weekend they're in the smoke shop talking about how excited they are having the Gulf of America, Panama Canal ownership and going to war for Greenland will be bringing factories back while he and the 1% increase their wealth. Got it.
Youngstown gave Trump a second chance! His first shot left so many destitute and unprepared for the inevitable shut downs. How many times does he have to do this to how many people before they wake up to realize he doesn’t give a flip about them? And, they supported him after pets in Springfield?!?
So being bitter about your lot in life is justification for voting in someone who will burn the planet down while the rich get richer? That’s such a selfish and pathetic take.
These people.🤦♀️
"Some Trump supporters are actually alarmed by parts of his platform – one cigarette shop patron said he was worried the future administration might make his kidney dialysis unaffordable – but their anger at the Democrats outweighs those concerns."
I counted six different households in my immediate neighborhood where at least one person is receiving SSDI or has a parent on Medicare in a nursing home.
These are the ones that I know of.
And every single one of them will blame the Democrats when the GOP controlled House & Senate pass a bill that robs them to put money in Elon Musk's pockets....and the GOP President signs it.
This article is incoherent and these people don't deserve a platform to spew their bitterness. But Dems did this to themselves. They believe in the same corporate rules and thought the bare minimum 'we are not Trump' was enough. Yeah, the morons of Youngstown get what they voted for, but so do we.
So, I guess we’re in for another round of ethnographic studies of Trump voters in the wilds of Ohio diners. Gawd, it makes my eyes roll so far back in my head that I can see my brain.
What Trump does or doesn’t do domestically is almost irrelevant.
Presently his alliance with Musk represents the greatest threat to this country and Europe.
Musk surely bought the US election and has turned his sights on this country, while Trump will undermine peace everywhere.
These people are frustrated and feel that Trump is what he is and felt Kamala wasn’t genuine. I kind of get that. The Democrats rely too much on taking the moral high road, which isn’t going to help the people of this town, who clearly live in a pretty hopeless place.
Wait, what? Kamala wasn't genuine? The one that wears converse shoes with a suitcoat? Not to try to fit in, but for comfort. Then you have trump outright lying to people about who he is & you say "trump is what he is"? I don't understand how Kamala could have been more "who she is".
I think amongst those who voted for Trump she didn’t seem genuine and represented more of the same. Being virtuous is also not enough; the Democrats / Labor have to develop a lot more spine and gumpf as a party and not just seem whining about equality when many don’t perceive themselves as equal
…and not just seem to be whining about equality when many Trump supporters don’t feel equal. I would have voted for Kamala in a heart beat, but I live a reasonably comfortable life
"Some Trump supporters are actually alarmed by parts of his platform – one cigarette shop patron said he was worried the future administration might make his kidney dialysis unaffordable – but their anger at the Democrats outweighs those concerns."
What a depressing story. I think they’ll get what they expect from Trump 2.0 which is nothing or worse. Will they blame themselves for a poor choice or “politicians” so they don’t have to take any responsibility?
As I started reading this I felt that the article was condescending toward the folks in Youngstown. As I read further and they clearly understand that Trump is a crook but he is their crook, I lost sympathy.
If the democratic party can’t find a way to reach back to working people then the republicans will run this country forever. So you can scorn all you want but you will be living in trumpistan. There has to be a better way to overcome the fox brainwashing.
Hey Guardian: You want bitter? Some of us have been fighting all our adult lives to offset climate change, raise the minimum wage, get universal healthcare, pass the ERA, etc. etc.—only to read that our fellow Americans just want to be able to say the N word without being scolded.
"Wallace agreed that ... water was not much of a response either, but it earned Trump her vote all the same. 'It was more than we got from the Biden administration,' she said. 'We never got one bottle of water from them.'”
So next time we put something in their hands—even if it's expired water. 🙄
Good God the ignorance. Trump will do nothing for Youngstown. Nothing. PS: the complaining about NAFTA but they fail to mention Trump re-negotiated that deal. How has that "new deal" changed/worked out for them so far??
Re: the East Palestine train derailment-the Obama administration created a rule requiring that trains with a certain number of cars carrying flammable hazardous chemicals use technologically advanced electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) brakes…The Trump administration rolled back the rule.
These people love voting for crooks so they can feel smug and superior in at least one facet of their lives. It’s basically the hurt people, hurt people caucus. They can’t be fixed, they don’t even want to try to be.
There’s an excellent book called “Dying of Whiteness” which acts like a companion piece to this article. If you want to get inside these people’s heads, this book does it. They don’t care if they suffer as long as others suffer more or they don’t see the govt helping other groups.
The definition of crazy is doing exactly the same thing that didn’t work over again and thinking you will get a different result. These people sound like a bunch of whiney born losers so, rather than do some real work to make things better, they want to drag everyone else down with them. Gen X ugh
I live in Ohio. The statehouse and governorship is controlled by Republicans. Are they doing anything to help areas like Youngstown or to boost our state economy? No! They're banning trans people from bathrooms and making teachers out LGBTQ+ kids. No sympathy. They're getting what they voted for.
I agree. I’m from Ohio, also. I’ve tracked each bill out of the statehouse in 2024. Ohio GOP has passed nothing but MAGA bills on bathrooms and letting religious indoctrination during school hrs. Bills to help us? Nada. Where is their rage about that?
Schadenfreude is our friend. I can't wait to watch his supporters turn on them when they do not get what they want. Seriously, fuck them all. I want them to suffer.
When you are willing to die for Trump like the guy on kidney dialysis because of your anger towards democrats,I mean that says it all Kamala would never get that voter.
They didn't learn the first time round, that he actually just wanted to get in and make money. he never wanted to make the country a better place.
He isn;t going to do a damn thing the second time around either.
These two sentences speak to the underlying anger people everywhere are feeling. They recognise the system is broken. What they fail to understand is the wealthy are the only ones who benefit when working class anger is directed toward anyone else but the wealthy. Tax the wealthy to fix the problem.
Ok. I could jive with this the first time around, the problem is that Trump is a liar AND he's failed them before. Yes, they probably feel like the current system has failed them. But so has Trump. Why give the lying convicted felon another chance?
I’d say it’s because average people (excluding the rabid MAGA types) are so frustrated by the status quo, they want anyone who says they will change things. Thinking a billionaire is going to change the system to benefit the working and poor is crazy. But the Dem’s message wasn’t about change.
You’ve captured it perfectly. Same in the UK, Europe & Australia. RW governments are given decades in power to destroy. Centrist or LW governments are given 12 weeks to fix it.
Only 5% of us settle down further than 100 mi from where we grew up. The consequences in this case are harsh. They psychologically can't move.
Dems will continue to run lawyer types, of course.
As an outsider who lives in a country with a fairly strong social safety net, and having seen the benefits to the entire population, it boggles my mind that Americans will continue to vote against their own interests, and the wellbeing of their neighbours.
“Some Trump supporters are actually alarmed by parts of his platform – one cigarette shop patron said he was worried the future administration might make his kidney dialysis unaffordable– but their anger at the Democrats outweighs those concerns”
These foolish people…
I hafta go to work, now.
Hey, everyone, enjoy the weekend…..
White male grieveance
And why it matters to our white male publisher
Oh really??? Feckin eejits. Maybe they should catch up on the news, turn off Fox for a day.
These people.🤦♀️
Those militias and belligerent types find each other and are a powder keg.
I'm putting that moron at the top of the list!
These are the ones that I know of.
Guess what ... all Republican voters.
"Ecuador recorded an annual inflation of 0.53% in 2024, the lowest since 2021"
We don't allow billionaire oligarchs to control our economy.
Presently his alliance with Musk represents the greatest threat to this country and Europe.
Musk surely bought the US election and has turned his sights on this country, while Trump will undermine peace everywhere.
Fuck each & every one of them.
Interview US!
So next time we put something in their hands—even if it's expired water. 🙄
He isn;t going to do a damn thing the second time around either.
His 1/6/21 putsch will be successful at high noon on January 20th…..