He added: “I will have Elon Musk run out of here by inauguration day”, which falls on 20 January. “He will not have full access to the White House. He will be like any other person.”
The rats are turning on each other already. Don't you just love it.
The title of this Guardian article is clickbait and should have been "Steve Bannon condemns Elon Musk as 'racist' because Bannon turns out even more racist".
Bannon apparently disagrees with Musk on H1B visa's for immigrants; Musk is for them, Bannon against. Anyone should know enough there.
Oh, the irony is as thick as a MAGA hat in this political soap opera! Steve Bannon, the self-proclaimed champion of the "forgotten man," is throwing a tantrum worthy of a toddler denied his favorite toy. He is looking in a mirror and describing himself when he calls Musk "evil" and "very bad.
Well, someone is going to end up being exiled from Trump's inner circle. I'm pretty sure that Trump's gonna stick with the guy who gave him $300 mil in about 4 months, though.
Utter irony! For all the doom and gloom about the far right and their virulent fascism, there always remains a reliable source of hope: their deeply rooted distrust and boundless capacity for back stabbing each other
Can we tie Musk and Bannon both to the same big rock and drop both their anti-American asses in the ocean. Musk is merely a greedy rich idiot trying to get richer at America’s peril. Bannon has long talked about “the world order” and needs to be eliminated from all conversation.
Poor Stevie is massively upset at his new position outside that circle of trust. Like so many of Donny's people he's been cast adrift through no longer being of use. #donaldtrump
I can’t cope with the pot being so nasty about the kettle. My compass is swinging wildly in space. Has the political sphere ever been this batshit crazy?
Iirc this whole abusive tech visa thing was what got Bannon in trouble with Trump in the past (2017? 2018?). So Bannon carrying on this fight with the more pro H-1B factions should come as no surprise. Very Aliens vs Predator. Whoever wins, we lose.
So Bannon was happy to put up with the racist, truly evil Musk to pump money into the election campaign? That says as much about Bannon as it does about Musk.
The rats are turning on each other already. Don't you just love it.
But I suspect it will permeate the rest of the world soon enough.
Bannon apparently disagrees with Musk on H1B visa's for immigrants; Musk is for them, Bannon against. Anyone should know enough there.
PS: You don't have enough money to please Daddy.
.....though finding myself agreeing with anything Bannon says is making me feel queasy to say the least.