Goes to show how naive other countries are, or perhaps they are led by similarly distasteful people. Trump will give Ukraine, if he gets the chance, to Putin. Let Israel carry on, as long as they buy US hardware ( Trump doesn't like giving hence throw Ukraine under a bus). I don't call that peace
What I gather from friends in various places is that they see what is happening here as one big step towards self-destruction, and since so many of them live in countries where the U.S. generously visited its tendency to create dictatorships, they're fine with it.
Many in the rest of the world are used to this carrot-and-stick relationship. Presidents of both parties have used it to advance US interests all over the world.
The new approach involves using it against traditional allies and countries that previously shared its objectives and interests.
Well, "much of the world" is run by dictators. Democracies have good reasons not to trust Trump at all. Corrupt autocrats recognize a brother in Trump.
It’s just the West that see him as a problem. North Korea, Russia and other states with an incumbent dictator, are looking forward to his term in office.
The "European Council on Foreign Relations" is not a government organisation, just naked to sound like one. They're a right-wing organisation who, predictably enough, have put their own spin on the poll. It's absolutely meaningless
Europeans have been asleep and living in a dream world. There are too many immigrants that get housing, food and money while the people who have paid into the system are barely getting by. If you accept immigrants others are encouraged to come. Use the legal channels or get sent back.
Understandable, Europe has been deeply intertwined with the U.S. since the two great wars. Our economies and societies work together for mutual prosperity. That now is at risk, Trump is a break with the past. He is wants to dominate, much more than before, and that is troubling for their freedom.
The new approach involves using it against traditional allies and countries that previously shared its objectives and interests.
It’s not a good sign.