Spends so much time attacking Labour surely his rag bag band of Trots, anti vaxxers and Jihadist cranks are the future! Oh of course not he only poses problens, makes them worse and makes an irritating squeek of satisfaction. Never a solution only a trail of destructive hares set running. Lexit??
The first election in which I could vote was the first to bring Thatcher into office. 'That's a mistake,' thought I. 'It'll all be cleared up with the next election.'
I was 19. Now I'm 65 looking at a Labour PM who would have been a hardliner in the Thatcher cabinet while those who were in the...
... Thatcher cabinet and are still around are among the saner, more competent political pundits.
Yes, the left needs to get its act together. I look forward to it happening at last. Someone please hire a medium to transmit the good news to me when that day comes.
There is no labour left the ones that remain are like democrats in America who refused to vote for a black woman and Palestine issues and now have let the Nazis take over instead. This is England's future under reform and farge.
Owen Jones is an irrelevance only taken seriously by Trots and the assembled cranks he attracts to his moanfests! He has nothing positive to offer. Lexit hmm how has that hand granade gone?
I'm sure he's very personable. I guess you had to really dig for compliments there since mostly no one is terribly impressed with his handling of EU relations.
The Corbyn cult are obsessed with this. Its the only statistic they know.
They ignore the fact that there was a massive tactical vote to get the tories out and people voted for whoever was most likely to beat the Conservative.
They never mention the majority of 80 that Corbyn gave the tories
Corbyn was so bad but still managed to get over half a million votes on Starmer. Face it - your boy is hated to such an extent that some are turning to Farage. That's how much he's fucked it, but sadly the Starmer cult can't see the reality.
oh god, another Owen Jones word wankfest decrying something that hasn't even had a year to fix shit laid out by 15 years of absolute shit show thuggery by the Tories
Regular as clockwork is the Owen Jones squeal that something must be done! Don’t forget his mates in Corbyn’s leadership office were apparently happy to break bread with Cummings and to discuss a disaster Brexit to put their own useless patsie in.
Well we know what happened, the Zionists in Labour booted out Corbyn and put in this mindless robot. They don't care if Labour tanks, since they prefer the Conservatives anyway.
Perhaps we need to give 4 years before making any judgements. The last 14 years have been a disaster for the uk. I think 10 years is a reasonable estimate to bring about real and meaningful change
Not usually in agreement with Mr Jones but he’s bang on this time. Labour supporters need to wake up before it’s too late - look at where you are with policy and manifesto commitments. Can you honestly say this is what you voted for?
There isn't really a labour left anymore, is there? Starmer kicked them all out... Some broad church! I absolutely agree that the left have to stick together, make a broach church party. The unions, greens and all actual left wing parties should make a new party, encourage grass roots membership.
What an excellent article. His last 2 have really been worth reading and he is spot on with his analysis of this government. Weak, hapless, very confused messaging, no real purpose other than growth. Whatever that means. They have clearly given up on compassion.
Owen Jones - Starmer shit, never get power, oh he's got power, still he's shit, not as nice as (insert any old party/politician). Please give me a role, anyone, I'm great. Better than that crappy Starmer etc etc
I was 19. Now I'm 65 looking at a Labour PM who would have been a hardliner in the Thatcher cabinet while those who were in the...
Yes, the left needs to get its act together. I look forward to it happening at last. Someone please hire a medium to transmit the good news to me when that day comes.
He ran the DPP and was elected with a huge mandate.
They ignore the fact that there was a massive tactical vote to get the tories out and people voted for whoever was most likely to beat the Conservative.
They never mention the majority of 80 that Corbyn gave the tories
Corbyn and the likes of Jones lost 2 elections and enabled 14?years of demise and our removal from the EU
Comparing Starmer to Corbyn isn’t a winning argument. Thanks for making my point.
You clearly don’t understand that FPTP isn’t democratic.
Then said it was ok for Israel to deny the Palestinians food and water.
Disgusting individual.
Starmer won the election because Sunak was so woeful.
Only clueless fools believe Starmer had any qualities that helped him win the election.
He’s now even more unpopular than Sunak was.
People who want Starmer to stay as Labour leader are working for Farage.
Most significantly that Centrists opposed to radical reforms stalled Biden safeguarding democratic institutions; and prosecuting Trump.
In the same way Starmer’s cowardice on directly challenging Farage will empower Farage.
The Left's Nick Griffen, the Islington Goebbels.
Replies from his followers include memes of Adolf Hitler and Nazi swastikas.
Shame on the Guardian for still publishing his vomit.
They stopped the strikes, taxed school fees, created a wealth fund, invested in the NHS and schools to name a handful
His like that ex boyfriend who can't let go.
They will do like always until the UK is gone down.
Just like the Tories and the rest.
Watch the US to see what's coming next.