The competition was on – to see who could channel their inner sadism best. There were no votes to be had in compassion. Affording people dignity. That was so last year. Now the fashion was to celebrate human misery.
Deporting an immigrant for a crime WHICH IS COMMITED BY AN ENGLAND BORN CITIZEN IS 'NOTHING BUT PURE "NAZI RACISM"!! If the English born is imprisoned, not deported, the immigrant must not be deported either and THAT IS JUSTICE!Hasn't Conservative(racist?) Party lost to Labour Party for that RACISM?
In the US a majority of our “illegal” immigrants are actually asylum seekers and doing what they’re suppose to. You can’t even claim asylum here unless you’re in the US-what are desperate people suppose to do?
This is the U.K.
you can claim asylum once in the U.K. regardless of how u came. And as signatories to the European Convention to Human Rights - the rights are enshrined in law. There will have been a claim made for asylum and it found wanting.
I’m finding it harder to spot the differences between the Uk & US every day…
1) AI grift? All in!
2) Nativism? Deport those migrants!
All that seems to be missing is some good old fashioned tariffs
Who is getting pleasure from the pain of others? Certainly not the typical Labour Party official. Big money officials have been, especially in the United States of America in recent times. This sadist bigotry must stop. We must be decent and reasonable to all.
But surely if someone is here working illegally then the rules and system should be enforced. I don’t like seeing people put on planes like this but it might fill the vacuum that is otherwise taken by Farage. My concern is the over emphasis on the boats and needing a good, fair asylum system
We don’t have a good asylum system in America either so people are being sent back to potentially really dangerous situations. It’s incredibly horrifying
It's another Bash Labour Day at the Guardian today. If Labour didn't deport those that have no right to be in the UK they would be damned, they are deporting those with no rights to stay, so they are also damned. Also Monbiot today is saying Starmer is like Trump apparently! Some perspective please
Omg I’m in America and donald is being used as a bar someone doesn’t want to meet around the world? It’s an insult to be a donald? That would make my heart happy
Yup, being compared to Trump is an insult worldwide & his flurry of executive orders whilst potentially dangerous are also being mocked. The little orange emperor is naked & we can all see his lack of clothing.
Thank you 😭😭😭 I live in the south and it gets a little dystopian around here 😔 there’s so many supporters, people I used to love and respect. I keep thinking “ok sheet he’s gone too far this time” 😔😔 I keep being vastly disappointed and have no idea how to break the programming
If they brought back hanging would that be public too? Like it used to be. Why are fake Labour trying to take us backwards like the Tories did? Starmer I am finding almost as scary as Chump and Elmo in the USA
Chump and Elmo? As a loyal American, I take that hard, sir, but not so hard that I will forego use of those lovely insults from now on. Quite sweet and appropriate.
Italy, France, Germany... Just to name the big ones...
I haven't seen the video, but certainly the article is worse.
Is this headline intended to boost the hard right vote?
Because that’s what it does.
you can claim asylum once in the U.K. regardless of how u came. And as signatories to the European Convention to Human Rights - the rights are enshrined in law. There will have been a claim made for asylum and it found wanting.
Agree most applications pass the tests and rightly ppl are allowed to stay.
1) AI grift? All in!
2) Nativism? Deport those migrants!
All that seems to be missing is some good old fashioned tariffs