in the 80s, I felt I was being kidnapped by a mini-cab driver who was taking me to "his friend that knew the way to the airport" (at 5am). I reached forward for his radio and told dispatch we were coming back and have another car ready. Made my flight by 2 minutes. Furious he made me afraid.
The behaviour mentioned in the introduction are just normal security awareness actions. Everybody shoud follow similar patterns, except if you are in a truly safe environment. Paranoid? no, just cautious.
It is curious that the driver was angry after her “spit vomiting” out window, but then he locked the doors with the windows locked up? What uber driver wants to clean out vomit from back of car? Minor point. I’m glad this mess is over.
Thanks 🙏 for this.
Yes context is everything.
Good grief, dumb white bastards in the police force clearly decided to launch this legal attack and purposefully intentionally pushed aside any context.
Dumb. Incompetent. Dishonest. Culpable. Using their power vindictively. Sack them.
I am fortunate but none of the things listed in the opening section of this opinion that apparently have happened to “every woman” have happened to me. That is NOT to downplay how women that it has happened to feel. But I don’t believe that broad statements referencing “every woman” help us.
Lower north shore Sydney girl here.
Think I was 9 when I was first followed home from school by some rando pedo trailing me. And the list goes on. Even when heavily pregnant I had to cop abuse from strangers for being a woman.
Reading that article brings it all back.
Yep every woman I know.
"They also said that it was in fear for their lives that Mewis kicked a window out with the doors locked and the driver refusing their requests to stop."
"he was driving erratically"
"they had called the police themselves and had been hung up on"
After they’d been held against their will, feared for their safety and treated with utter disdain by a cop who refused to listen to them? When all they wanted was to get home? Why do men refuse to hear what women are saying?
Yes, blame the women rather than the taxi driver who locked them inside his cab, & drove them away from their destination without saying where he was going. It’s not like women dont get raped in taxi’s or anything. Also blame the women rather than the police who didn’t listen to them. Cool look bro
He didn’t tell them where he was taking them. Can you see how in an era of Sarah Everard that women may become frightened with a driver who diverts from their destination, drives erratically, and doesn’t communicate with them?
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with London cabs; the doors lock as soon as the vehicle is in motion. It seems like a decent safety measure, particularly for pissed passengers.
If you’re a taxi driver and women want to get out because they’re frightened of your behaviour, maybe stop the fucking car. Wait for the police if necessary.
She threw up out the window. She’s a millionaire, she can afford to pay for some cleaning. Go read up about what actually happened, you’re just talking out of your arse.
Yes for sure who ever made that decision is totally misguided. Should have been left to cool off.cop needs to get a life if thinks that an insult he’s gonna be offended more often if he stays in the job. The Lady getting drunk is more an offensive conduct to her so called profession !
Yes context is everything.
Good grief, dumb white bastards in the police force clearly decided to launch this legal attack and purposefully intentionally pushed aside any context.
Dumb. Incompetent. Dishonest. Culpable. Using their power vindictively. Sack them.
They really are 100% right on this one…
…and you are both dangerously naïve AND privileged as fuck if you haven’t done every single one of those things…
…on a regular basis…
…from a very early age!
Think I was 9 when I was first followed home from school by some rando pedo trailing me. And the list goes on. Even when heavily pregnant I had to cop abuse from strangers for being a woman.
Reading that article brings it all back.
Yep every woman I know.
Question entirely rhetorical, sadly.
"he rerouted from driving them home to a police station after Kerr had “spit-vomited” out the window. He did so without telling them"
"he was driving erratically"
"they had called the police themselves and had been hung up on"
Things that everyone does.