Recent ambush on immigrants is an obvious hidden NAZI agenda funded by recently popular nazis who tricked naive illiterates hiding their true faces! Hiding UK born native soulless murderers while crying about immigrants EVERYWHERE RACISTLY to pump up xenophobia to impose nazism in the end is a PLOT!
It's never been any different, not will it be.
They'll blame it all on you for being racist.
They'll tell you that's why they have no doctors, no techies, no budgets.
And guess what? It serves you right.
My daughter is a nurse and her facility depends heavily on immigrant nurses. My MIL's nurses and caregivers at her living center were almost all immigrants. It's madness to target them.
Spent 10 hours in a&e recently, in a crumbling building, flanked by people who shared a view that the deficiencies were down to poor managers (not money) & non-white people taking space. ironic really as there was only 1 patient who wasn't white & at least 60% of the doctors/nurses weren't either
I have had my life saved on two separate occasions by an Indian liver surgeon at QEHB in Birmingham. The nurses who helped my recovery were British, Irish, Philippine, and Australian.
Thank you, NHS.👍🫂
Almost everyone I encountered during my recent cancer journey (mercifully short and successful) was either non-white or from Europe. I am very grateful for them.
What is not addressed here is the widespread sense that opportunities for young British population are reduced by employers willingness to use international staff. It is a reality and it should be addressed.
What a weird take. Most British people don’t want to do care work, and no wonder, given the nature of the work, pay and conditions. We need to be grateful that there ARE people of other nationalities who are willing to do the work. Would you it?
I am grateful. My point remains valid . To ignore it courts disaster. Why should it be so costly and difficult to train in medicine ? If Cuba can produce an excess of excellent medical staff so can we . Using international stopgaps breeds the resentment that exists.
If you’re talking about medicine specifically: firstly, we don’t train anywhere near enough doctors, so we have to invite people from other countries. Secondly, pay and conditions are poor here so many of our doctors move overseas, to Australia, NZ etc. So there are two obvious things to be fixed.
Yep, ex NHS and the only thing I miss is the amazing people I worked with. Regardless of their birthplace, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, etc, the vast majority (you’ll always get some) are amazing, caring and hardworking people who get treated like dirt.
I am the same, I miss the community, the friendship and support you find in the NHS. I don't miss the long hours and the constant demands placed upon staff.
Brits chose White supremacy and nationalism.
The traditional imperialism that worked well for them for centuries.
Wealth based on robbery. Maybe would've still worked for some more decades but now the UK will be crushed between the worldwide blocks.
This is what will happen here in the USA soon. The worse part is many jobs migrants take are often low skilled. Once gone, Americans are unlikely to replace them due to the low pay and nature of the job. AI/mechanization could well replace them which means less jobs in the end.
They'll blame it all on you for being racist.
They'll tell you that's why they have no doctors, no techies, no budgets.
And guess what? It serves you right.
Thank you, NHS.👍🫂
The traditional imperialism that worked well for them for centuries.
Wealth based on robbery. Maybe would've still worked for some more decades but now the UK will be crushed between the worldwide blocks.