He is a good man, although I'm no longer a practicing Catholic, I hope he makes a speedy recovery. He's been the best they've had in a while. Double pneumonia at his age will be difficult to recover from.
And your opinion is your own but if you knew anything about the life he lived, I think most people would agree he's a decent human. Thanks for your comment.
I'm not leader of some religion/pedophile organisation - which it really is.
If I were in a position of power, I would be calling for a genocide of the Vatican and very much going for the medieval torture angle.
Gimme 24 hours, a blowtorch + access, I'll make sure he passes "peacefully". Nonce scum.
Aren’t those who dedicate their lives to healing and caring for the sick blessed? Are medicines considered a gift from God? It’s my understanding he has multiple infections (bacterial and viral) which is hard to treat because the bacteria might become resistant to the antibiotics used.
yep, clear evidence as to why he would turn to medicine instead of just attempting to pray pneumonia away for anyone who can read above the 3rd grade level , stay blessed 😀
Personally, I hope he suffers as long as possible - him and all his pedo-sympathisers.
God sparing his favourite mouthpiece is not part of the deal.
#Conclave #Oscars #Pope #FFS #NotTedescoIBegOfYou #Papabile #PrayForPopeFrank
Oh, he's been good to his friend - so that's ok and at least Ruprik got some good rapes in right?
Even where I a practicing Catholic, I wouldn't expect the pope to be infallible.
Are you?
He's by far the best Pope in my lifetime. Though, I can't say much about the one they murdered, because he served such a short time.
If I were in a position of power, I would be calling for a genocide of the Vatican and very much going for the medieval torture angle.
Gimme 24 hours, a blowtorch + access, I'll make sure he passes "peacefully". Nonce scum.