elon is smart.. taking a page from Hermann Göring.. a very smart mass-murderer who stated: "if you keep repeating the same lie long enough.. people will believe you.."
Muck payed Danish Rocket Man.
Spreading more lies & mayhem a cheap way of herding people like sheep.It helps the techno-fuhrer in his& silicon valley wanna be autocrats quest to destroy our nation and eventually the world & build their new dystopia .Watch .
RESIST https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=5RpPTRcz1no
Elonia lies again…. He’s so desperate to gain some attention and recognition for the damage he’s doing from MAGA that he uses any excuse or platform he was involved in to seek it…
Space X should be banned and people of this country should demand that it be a peripheral space company not involved..
The problem is that for every lie issued by the likes of Trump, Musk, Badenoch, Farage and their cohorts and the billionaire controlled media, for every ten people that hear it five of them believe it
As soon as their mouths open the insane bull shit starts flowing out, endless lies Flowing out. So as. A public warning don’t stand below them or risk drowning in bull shit.
Someone who’s actually smart versus an idiot that thinks he’s smart. The scientists, engineers… that work for Musk’a companies are the smart ones… only thing he has is a smart mouth.
Musk isn’t an engineer, astronaut or even a good businessman. He’s a spoiled rich kid who had the money to invest in some start ups and takes billions of our hard-earned tax money.
Why does media keep publishing what the MAGAmorons say? We know they are liars and cheats. The next thing they will say is they built the ISS with SpaceX components, while it took the ingenuity of various space agencies and private companies over decades, to built the thing. Resist!
Spreading more lies & mayhem a cheap way of herding people like sheep.It helps the techno-fuhrer in his& silicon valley wanna be autocrats quest to destroy our nation and eventually the world & build their new dystopia .Watch .
Space X should be banned and people of this country should demand that it be a peripheral space company not involved..
What a horrible society to live in.
The old saying of one for the many, may in fact be true.
Let’s hope nobody is carried away so far as to deliver a reason to speed up their agenda.
Play for time while revving the profoundly rooted American democratic instincts we in the EU keep believing in.
It’s like they have a daily quota…
Talking back to a petty criminal drug addiction who's your only real shot at coming home