As soon as I saw Owen Jones’ name there I rolled my eyes and scrolled along. There is no way I will be reading this. And even I’m one of those leftie do-gooders that Suella hates!
Because the cost of these benefits is out of control and taxpayers cannot afford it and the government cannot afford to borrow it.
From BBC site today
Last year, the government spent £65bn on sickness benefits, - a 25% increase from 2019.That figure is forecast to increase to around £100bn by 2019 When you refer to arming Baltic States and Finland, please be aware that their defence forces are built on human rights violations and gender-based violence.
Owen Jones: a naive patsy probably getting Russian bitcoin payments. Either up your defense and cooperation with the EU, or be ruled by Putin in short order.Your fucking choice Britain.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is one I don't agree many gaps in the rationale and obvious answers ignored...but each to their own
As someone who regards themselves as centre-left>left, may I just say that Owen Jones is a fucking irrelevant bore. He's in love with his own voice and that about sums him up in total.
I commented on one of his posts and his disciples poured a torrent of abuse on me and now I'm on blocklists including 'Concentration Camp Guards'. Unlike MAGA at least they're well-intentioned and far less numerous. But they're just as much of a cult.
They're a bunch of ultra left-wing no-hopers who think that if they can wave some magic wand that they've not found yet that the world will turn into some sort of Nirvana. They really are hopeless. They believe in their own propaganda as much as any right-wing mouth-breathers do.
TBH I'm not really sure they are properly left wing. This culture war stuff is kind of separate from the left-right scale. There could be a new axis on that political compass thing.
I wish leftists who wish to argue the threat from Russia is negligible would just straight up say they don’t care what happens to Eastern Europe. Owen “doubts” the Baltic’s are at risk. The people in the Baltic’s disagree.
This guy proclaims to care about all human life but when it’s an Eastern European country asking for Western Europe to help protect them from Russia suddenly their lives become expendable because our public services may be cut.
Grow up. Yes it’s shit that we have to spend more on defence, in an ideal world we wouldn’t have to. But not defending Eastern Europe is morally unacceptable and requires British citizens sacrifice something.
Even though I expected it, the level of Owen Derangement Syndrome btl on this article was off the scale. Otherwise intelligent people seem to lose the ability to read plain English when they see the name Owen Jones.
People damning him for saying things he has not said, or for not saying things he has said. People attacking him but using exactly the same arguments he has about the need for intelligent spending targeted on what will actually achieve what we want.
You could almost name an issue and play Jones Bingo. He’s that predictable.
He recently started a "Jew hunt" of the BBC's Raffi Berg.
In a fake "investigation".
Jones's followers now harassing Berg.
Some of these same followers post memes of Adolf Hitler and Nazi. swastikas
You disgusting people
From BBC site today
Last year, the government spent £65bn on sickness benefits, - a 25% increase from 2019.That figure is forecast to increase to around £100bn by 2019