Beautiful novel that creeps up on you with a realization that is deeply profound and heartbreaking. It's a quiet book whose humanity stays with you long after your read the final page.
Two deepest of human emotions, love and betrayal are depicted in a subtle fashion in this movie. Cinematography and direction are good. Screenplay is slow in later half, yet gripping over all. Certain scenes sure will have a haunting affect on you.
I made the mistake of buying this as a gift for someone recovering in hospital. Years later, when I was in hospital pre-op, the same person returned the favour by buying me a copy to read in my hospital bed. 🤣 #neverletmego 🏥
Read this book the other day, verged on tears in the final chapter, tried to write a review for it on goodreads (twice), gave up because it didn't save those reviews
Loved the movie, too.