Of course the man who beat 2 people to death with a bat “found Christianity” in prison and still didn’t express any remorse (I’m sure he thinks POOF! Jesus “forgives” him), but begged “fellow Christians” to end the death penalty because “murder is wrong.”
“Of course the man who couldn’t achieve as a man found that he was trapped in the wrong body”. See how asshat segues work? You’re using the same logic. Shame on you.
I’m absolutely grand, thanks. But worried for your moral compass, but you’re the one that has to answer for that, not me. Enjoy your self-deluding day.
A firing squad in 2025—cold, calculated, and etched into the mind of every witness. While the world moves forward, South Carolina drags justice back to the gun barrel, clinging to violence as if cruelty were the cure for crime.
Some request a firing squad to make a statement—defiance, martyrdom, or to expose the brutality of execution. Others see it as quicker, more certain, and less prone to error than lethal injection. For some, it’s a final act of control in a system where they’ve lost all power.
Some request a firing squad to make a statement—defiance, martyrdom, or to expose the brutality of execution. Others see it as quicker, more certain, and less prone to error than lethal injection. For some, it’s a final act of control in a system where they’ve lost all power.
I can see that.
But it's not really personal, right?
Other humans have to to point a weapon at you and kill you in a inarguably violent way.
I am NOT dismissing the issues with other forms. But this is pretty macabre, unnecessary, and sets dangerous precedent.
He beat his ex girlfriend’s parents to death with a baseball bat until they were dead. Where was the mercy for them? They were innocent people. He was a premeditated murderer who physically beat two people he knew to death. Then, he was given a choice of how he would die. His victims had none.
Revenge? What are you on about? Did you read the article? Justice is not revenge. Laws are not revenge. If you commit murder in state that has a death penalty for murder, you’re going to die. There’s no mercy in that state for murdering innocent people. What don’t you understand about that?
Murder - killing people - is wrong, whether it’s carried out by one man or a legal system. What do YOU not understand about that? “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
I didn’t make the law. I don’t live there. You’re deflecting from the point I made that he was given three choices to die. He gave his innocent victims none. He beat them to death with a baseball bat. “Eye for an eye” would mean that he was beaten to death with a baseball bat until dead. He wasn’t.
Disgusting! What the actual FUCK is wrong with these people!!?? The death penalty is already wrong, but you knuckledragging mouth breathers have to take it further? There is an alternate universe where these disgusting Republican/Conservative ideologies have been relegated to the dustbin of history.
American here. South Carolina is a major shithole. All republican states are. Not partisanship or hyperbole. Fact. Those places are dangerous and insane.
My state of Michigan forbade capital punishment in its founding documents written in the 1830s, when public executions were common. I assume they had seen enough.
Yeah, I wish I could move out of mine, but that just makes it more red. I'm here, and I'm loudly protesting. Stay strong, hold the line. We are at war whether you like it or not.
The world thinks we're all gun-toting maniacs, and this is why. I feel for the people who had to deal with th body. As for the executed man's family. . . No words.
Apart from the fact it is unspeakably grim, I thought a firing squad had more than 3 members, and at least one had blanks. And how does firing rifles indoors not create havoc?
Sandbags along the wall to stop bullets from ricochet. There's probably some sound dampening done to the room, too, but mostly they rely on ear protection for everyone, same as an indoor firing range. Historically, a firing squad had more people and one with blanks, but I guess not anymore?
I remember Shepton Mallet prison visit, used by US army in WW2. Story was, first firing squad execution in the yard, officer commanding killed by ricochet. After that, they got sandbags
All the research papers and opinion pieces on firing squads ignore the military use to focus on the civilian side, which has far fewer instances of uses & fewer botches than lethal injection. I feel that's a disservice, as "doing it the Army way" will likely rise in popularity same as policing did.
La peine de mort est un procédé Barbare.
Ce journaliste a mesuré toute l'empereur de cet acte en direct.
Il faudrait faire assister des partisans pour qu'ils réalisent.
Se donner le droit de tuer c'est faire la même chose qu'un criminel.
Merci pour l'article.
Brad Keith Sigmon was executed for the 2001 double murder of his ex-girlfriend's parents in South Carolina. Sigmon was convicted of battering David and Gladys Larke, aged 62 and 59, respectively, to death with a baseball bat on April 27, 2001... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brad_Sigmon
Do you really believe a firing squad is worse than the electric chair? In no way shape or form supporting death penalties, but I'd take a firing squad over the chair or injection if I was put in that situation.
Cool strawman, but no one said anything about electric chairs being good. Your personal preferences don't make firing squads a humane way of execution. Executions for crimes should be abolished altogether, but at least most states don't condone this draconian crap. They stopped them *for a reason*.
Nobody said it was humane...Your implication was that this shouldnt be allowed in a system that already has the chair and injection. Don't get snippy with me because you lack coherency lol
It's a personal choice. Other than that, the chair or the needle.
But it's not really personal, right?
Other humans have to to point a weapon at you and kill you in a inarguably violent way.
I am NOT dismissing the issues with other forms. But this is pretty macabre, unnecessary, and sets dangerous precedent.
A psychopath.
Or will it have to be *you* being killed before that thought occurs to you?
2025 America
Firing squads normalized
(All the distractions of gilded caste wealth can’t change the reality as gilded caste wealth exists in the 3rd-world too.)
-educational achievement,
-infant mortality,
-socioeconomic mobility,
-caste-based life expectancy,
-caste-based access to healthcare,
. . . the unimpressive facts go on-and-on . . .
Ce journaliste a mesuré toute l'empereur de cet acte en direct.
Il faudrait faire assister des partisans pour qu'ils réalisent.
Se donner le droit de tuer c'est faire la même chose qu'un criminel.
Merci pour l'article.
Firing squads were ended for a reason. You know your nation is in REAL trouble when bringing back draconian ways of thinking/acting is mainstreaming.