Seems like getting into politics requires no intact functioning neurons... A perfect fit for someone whose job is getting their brains bashed. Perfect training for an aspiring politician. 🤔
Apart from the fact that McGregor is a man adjudged to be a violent rapist, he also seems to have forgotten or never realised that St Patrick was a Romano-Welsh refugee to Ireland, who subsequently returned there to Christianise the island.
McGregor is a Fecking Prick.
Another episode of ''Leave it in a beaver'' by White House guest star Conor McGregor, where depravity, racism cruelty is always the moral of the episode.
Same thing here in the US. The stale old Cheeto doesn't speak for me or most people I know. I wish I could say it was everyone I know 😢. I guess every nation has to have someone to be ashamed of...
Think how the Canadians and Mexicans must feel right now. At least you can watch this all go down from a distance. From here it's like waking up in the upside down every day. Nothing makes sense anymore.
Another rapist immigrant talking shit about law abiding immigrants is peak Dunning Kruger effect. Connors lack of self-awareness is on par with his lack of intelligence, decency and morals.
As an Irish Person, giving this scumbag convicted rapist any exposure whatsoever is deeply embarrassing, most Irish people know him for what he is, a racist, misogynist, rapist, I guess he is keeping company with the same, but he does not represent us.
It’s scary that they are getting airtime. He says he wants to run for president in Ireland - what’s his support like regarding his political ambitions?
Thankfully, it is low, there is a hardcore of racist nationalists but it is very small and he would never get elected…
Mind you, we said Trump was unelectable back in 2016.
why is this feral racist rapist getting air time on a day that (at least in theory) is meant to celebrate ireland? our history can best be described as spread out and pollinate. closing the door behind us would be a sham. here's an actual representation of ireland.
He must feel right at home with Trump
He doesn't represent anyone of the Republic of Ireland!
McGregor is a Fecking Prick.
Get Khabib in the room and scare him a little bit
How he isn’t in a max security facility is astounding
Long time coming....
Meanwhile in the real world…
Sure, maybe all GOP aren't racist, but racists always seem to be part of the GOP.
Mind you, we said Trump was unelectable back in 2016.
Two convicted sex offenders sitting in the oval office.
It's not even the start of a bad joke...🤦