This happened to me in 1969 - for the first time. There was nobody for me to confide in. I believed it was my fault and so it happened again and again. TEACH children that this is wrong! TEACH them how to protect themselves! TEACH them whom to talk to! Sex-ed is about protecting yourself.
If you are unable to differentiate between paedophila in religious institutions or state institutions and street grooming
Then you probably won’t be able to tell the difference between murder, domestic violence murders and hate crimes murders and terrorist murders too right
There's nothing new about any of this. Men having been sexually abusing children since time began.
My parents were both abused, one by a priest, another in a children's home. My brother was abused in boarding school.
Abuse is abuse is abuse, and it's a man problem.
Sorry kiddos, liberal journalists had to radicalise the middle classes into obsessing over making the lives of a handful of trans kids worse. We don't have any political will left over to protect the rest of you, rip
Do you think that would make them immune from the endless misogyny on social media? Adolescent boys care more about what their friends think that anyone else. Blaming parents is a cop out. This is a societal problem.
What resources? The internet is just white noise. Without any editorial oversight or proper controls, the 'information' contained there is utter nonsense at best, pure propaganda at worst. It's like telling people to look for food in a public bin.
We'd do them all a huge favour by reintroducing them to public libraries and ensuring their social interactions take place with people in the same room as them 🤷🏻♀️ Socialising children is imperative. Social media is not.
While governments punish tax evaders harsher than rapists, this won’t stop. Survivors of rape have a life sentence. The perpetrator needs a life sentence too! Irrelevant of their age.
That’s a new one
If you are unable to differentiate between paedophila in religious institutions or state institutions and street grooming
Then you probably won’t be able to tell the difference between murder, domestic violence murders and hate crimes murders and terrorist murders too right
My parents were both abused, one by a priest, another in a children's home. My brother was abused in boarding school.
Abuse is abuse is abuse, and it's a man problem.
But you are right it must be stopped
All of it
Just as murder is not just murder
They are classified as specific groups for a reason
To identify specific causes and find specific solutions
The long term impact is massive and destructive.
It's more that 6 sessions of CBT or an encouraging chat from a workcoach can solve.
It is why we need much better mental health services