I'm really hoping the next movement (heh) in game movement is more surrounding smooth variable movement where you gradually build uncapped speed rather than rigid speed boosts at a fixed velocity. I don't get why level designers hate it. So it leaves room for sequence breaks, that's part of the fun!
I really liked how it worked in Apex Legends. There's a baseline of basic fixed velocity / rigid speed boosts, but you can conserve any momentum by sliding (especially down slopes), wall-bouncing and doing other movement techniques. Really opened up the sandbox without going full Tribes.
I might be overstating it, but it's almost as much of a plague as sprinting was in 2010s shooters. It doesn't matter how little it fits, it's just a mechanic seen as required by virtue of making an action game.
Not to mention how horrible it feels in first person.
It's not as played out for sure. Dashing is in everything. Top-down shooters, RPGs, FPS, Platformers. At least sliding typically involves more interesting inputs and has variable outcomes depending on game state. Typically a dash is a dash is a dash, and it's becoming inane.
Not to mention how horrible it feels in first person.