I’d like to see more major-media reports on how the involvement of Elon Musk with a) the Presidential Transition, b) the House Republican Conference, c) the Senate Republican Conference, and d) lobbyists is already unlike anything America has ever seen with a non-government adviser. 100% horrifying.
Fair media reporting NOW would not get them clicks and views...
Did not report before the election why do it now?
They're cowards. My 96 year old mom quit watching CNN because she said they were one sided.
Disqualify trump-vance
(Your neighbour to the north)
This should be the headline!
It’s just reached a point of outright parody now.
Both think they’re the better, smarter guy and both try to feed off the other’s assets, resp. wealth and influence… A colission in the making…
This is simply what it looks like when government can be purchased. Brought to us by a corrupt SCOTUS and their Citizens United ruling.
Which it isn’t
Elon Musk is a child (an egotistic, pompous child, at that) and should not be trusted to be leading any sort of technological race that he can buy his way into.
An example is Young Sheldon or The Big Bang Theory. In fact, Elon has been on those shows.
Sheldon Cooper's character is the same kind of person. Kind of crazy and disconnected socially.
Seems like a fitting punishment🤣
And that he has zero social skills
problem solved
Talk to @janemayer.bsky.social
and at the moment, Democrats are desperately short of those kinds of people.
WE can complain all WE want to about the media,, and it will have no impact, because THEY don't care what WE think. But they do respond when OUR leaders complain
At this point, I'm over complaining about the media -- now I just complain about progressive who don't hold OUR leaders accountable
I mean, if Biden and Harris think that nominating Hegseth, Gabbard, Patel etc is UNREMARKABLE, then why should the media treat it any differently?
Remember to remain NON-VIOLENT.
Use your voice and your pen.
Teach the girls how to fight dirty. (YBMC)
Teach boys to respect/protect women.
There is no time! Start NOW!!
Also where the hell is JD? Not that I care, I just wonder how he feels about the Elon donald bromance.
He's nothing more than a very poorly paid lobbyist.
1.) Stop repeating lies and pretending spreading propaganda is telling “both sides.
2.) Now until Inauguration Day non-stop coverage of all the ways Trump could have cheated to win. Because Trump has cheated at everything he’s ever done including the last election.
And tell them what you want!
Trump as Theoden comparison? No.
I’m also curious to see how Musk’s back channel chats with Putin might tie into all of this.
Either we all play by the rules or none of us do.
I’m sick to my stomach of our two-tier justice system. It punishes those who barely affect society and rewards those who push public policy.
Kismet. 😅🤣😆
I think this type of thing has happened in the past with the Robber Barons in the 1880’s and with Teapot Dome in the 1920’s. Where those era’s obscenely rich, gave President’s their marching orders.
Elon is a comic book villain psychopath who wants to rule the world (and other worlds) with a fascist hammer.
George Soros is a philanthropist who funds democracy, education, and equal justice.
They're told what to believe & obey without thought.
I 💙 this about Finland...
In Finland, classes in recognizing fake news disinformation https://youtu.be/NNco4dayC1M?si=eEQV9s_Is-L-8rWE
That should scare everybody.
in OR, our (dem) governor had a lot of negative media coverage when it was revealed her spouse was making political decisions, exerting influence. the double-standard for rich white GOP men is infuriating