I am not a lawyer, so I don't know if there is a possible case but Fox bashed Biden constantly throughout his presidency, to the point where half the country believed he was demented and slept all the time. The defamation of Hunter was nothing compared to what they did to Joe Biden.
All this so the rich media CEOs could get tax cuts. Now the press won’t fact check him or expose anything shitty he does or they will get sued. We’re fucked.
Not that it matters with the scotus now but when Bill Clinton was president they said he could be sued. That's how the whole Lewinsky thing came about. Lying under oath in a civil case. But yeah he always seems to evade accountability 😓
that's partly what I meant, too: yes, he can be sued, but no one's actually gonna go through with it (or at least, not for anything that will matter in practical terms).
Maybe Trump wouldn't have won Iowa if that poll wasn't released.
Let's say it was 100% true and then MAGA cult members saw it and decided they had to go out and vote for Trump, even though Iowa is usually solidly Republican, and this group deciding to get out and vote lead to Trump winning
He thinks he can bully everyone now because ABC bowed to Trump and paid him 15 million dollars.
Will the others fall to their knees too and pay, or will they see Trump in court over his phony claims, yet again?
Back to the same old shit. The characters haven't changed and the non-stop coverage hasn't changed. There's a dual addiction thing going on between Trump & the media/reporters. He's addicted to & thrives on media coverage & in their co-dependency, they give it to him. Turn off the tv's folks.
My ancestors were beat, hosed down, spat upon, lynched & homes set on fire in order to fully participate in this democracy
NOW we’re witnessing the capitulation of media outlets to fascism because of ratings… the FBI director out of angst…and friends & neighbors because of the price of eggs⁉️
Inadvertently, this threat of law suits could tighten up journalism. Facts will become facts again as they will need to be jurisprudentially water tight.
I hope some have more balls than ABC. The first amendment, standing law, and case law are all on the side of the press. They just have to fight back and trust the system.
It's going to be WORSE than Hungary, MUCH worse. Trump will NOT come with even ONE person in his entire JUNK Drawer who is competent, qualified, intelligent, credible, worthy and who is NOT a corrupt asskissing LUNATIC.
It’s not a crime, this is a threat from Trump to make him look good or else he will send the justice department after you. They didn’t understate his support. They misread how many people were going to not vote at all.
Fuck everything about this. Fuck these people, fuck this system.
Destroy MAGA.
I'm not a lawyer, but... couldn't each of these organizations file an Anti-Slapp suit, and force him to pay attorney's fees? Might that slow down the avalanche of these suits that's headed our way?
We should be able to sue tRump for filing excessive nuisance lawsuits. Sentance to be a lifetime ban on new lawsuits unless a grand jury thinks a suit has merit. Mandatory jail time if they think it doesn't.
Wave goodbye to your 1st amendment. I'm sorry, but the rest of the world will no longer believe anything coming out of your mainstream media by next year.
Dear Trump voter, you had no other country you thought America should be like? You voted us to be like North Korea, Russia, China, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Yemen, Somalia? Maybe you should have gone to live somewhere else, keep America a democracy!
The defendants in each of those cases should go for Rule 11 sanctions for frivolous litigation (or analogous sanctions for the jurisdiction). Hit them back hard!
Absolutely agree with the sentiment, but I’m gagging about it coming from Axelrod after all his BS about Biden and Harris during their admin. Maybe we wouldn’t have the 😡 POS45 to worry about without all his bad takes.
Axelrod is a bloviating blowhard. He shanked Biden and Harris. This is just as much his fault as any MAGA voter. In fact he did more damage. If he was so worried about this why did he go so hard against our president and our candidate?
Think about it America.
like, I know, America is a fascist nation, I'm just wondering how long it'll take most other folk to catch up . . .
Let's say it was 100% true and then MAGA cult members saw it and decided they had to go out and vote for Trump, even though Iowa is usually solidly Republican, and this group deciding to get out and vote lead to Trump winning
Thank you to all the folks who helped pay for my free Uber to Hell by muddying the waters for Democratic presidential candidates.
Will the others fall to their knees too and pay, or will they see Trump in court over his phony claims, yet again?
My ancestors were beat, hosed down, spat upon, lynched & homes set on fire in order to fully participate in this democracy
NOW we’re witnessing the capitulation of media outlets to fascism because of ratings… the FBI director out of angst…and friends & neighbors because of the price of eggs⁉️
Abusers don’t stop, they escalate until stopped. Use your voices America!
This is why we don’t obey in advance. Get REALLLLY comfortable with saying “No.” and meaning it.
* @timothysnyder.bsky.social
Fuck everything about this. Fuck these people, fuck this system.
Destroy MAGA.
He can STFU
Shame on Stephanopoulis.
What a double standard this scumball lives by.
Meanwhile, ABC is asking if journalism can still look itself in the mirror...
Welcome to thin skinned charlie and his daily airing of the fucking grievance's
They don't have that in Hungary.
Eventually the guns will come for the Fascists in America when they overreach too far.
They’re all getting their own revenge for slights perceived.
Just unbelievable.
ABC are a bunch of 😸’s