As Donald Trump turns the United States into one of the closest allies Russia has worldwide, it's worth revisiting the news item below, which came out immediately after Trump won a surprising victory in November:
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The right has called it a Ponzi scheme for decades.
By that they mean retirees currently drawing Social Security do, in fact, receive money now coming into the system paid by TODAY’S workers. Today’s retirees paid for the benefits of those who retired before.
In a criminal Ponzi scheme organizers know money keeps flowing up to them … until it doesn’t. Until there aren’t any more suckers to draw in as “investors.” Then they run.
Social Security is a commitment made by Congress, and screwed up/screwed over through the years by the same.
When Social Security was established in 1935, the U.S. life expectancy was about 60 years. Before COVID crashed that figure, we had reached a national life expectancy of nearly *80*.
Congress at the time likely never envisioned so many people living so long.
They also likely wouldn’t have predicted a plummeting U.S. birth rate since the 1950s. And that the ratio of current/future workers to current/future retirees would change so much.
This is a good argument for immigration, BTW, because the U.S. population is expected to start declining without it.
Well, it appears Putin's aid, who is quoted here is very informed and 100% correct, we witnessed it Feb 28 in the historic meeting that showed the world who Donald Trump is and what side of the line in the sand he is standing.
It's a symbiotic relationship where one desperate thing that can't survive on its own latches onto another desperate thing that can't survive on its own. Destroy the whole of one and the other dies.
Another reason he did this, besides his Daddy told him to, he said he would end the war but does not and never had any intention to do so. They ambushed Zelenky so he could have a fake excuse not to even try.
Trump is basically an Oblast Govenor. Like many Oblast governors they are handpicked by Putin and are loyal due to fear of the kompromat he holds over them. The citizens of Oblasts have learned not to speak out against the leaders. Trump limits speech with MAGA that threaten those that speak out.
He’s a traitor and yet millions of Americans are twisting themselves into pretzels to support everything he does. They are literally giving up democracy for what seems to be nothing more than “owning the libs”. It’s truly unbelievable.
Russian TV also chose election night to show Melania on every station with no clothes on during prime time. Trump is clearly following his orders. My God, whatever Putin has must be horrific!
That'll be #musk and his hacker boys that rigged the election and most probably threatened the Democrats with a Civil War.
🤬 a typical tactic of the kremlin.
Makes you wonder if the real reason 47 was pissed off with the Zelenskyy meeting is bc he (47) isn’t getting what he wants- therefore, what Putin wants. So what does this mean for 47? 🤔
I’ll never get why the election wasn’t immediately investigated given all the inconsistencies. It’s as suspect as that assassination attempt and everyone just keeps looking the other way. Someone please help me understand
They've called him in on it. He's old. This is his only chance. He was given the presidency falsely to do their bidding. He can't do it himself all around, hence muskrat.
Forever traitor.
My opinion that Krasnov did not win the election is now supported by the work done at They have mapped the data, comparing the 2024 POTUS and Senate elections. The voting tabulators appear to drop off or outright switch votes in battleground states.
I believe Trump made a deal with Putin for rare earth minerals from Siberia and that Trump would have the rights to the Minerals from the Donbas Region as well. Also a deal was offered for aluminium as well hence the tariffs for Canada. This is why Trump just tore up any agreement with Ukraine.
Likely - however, as a consolation prize. He really wanted to shakedown Ukraine for its riches to boast recouping our war cost AND bringing world peace. He did neither. He failed - bitter medicine for a hardcore narcissist. Expect even bigger tantrums.
Right! The poss calling for bloody revolution need responses calling for a peaceful revolution! Wr have to remind people we haven’t had a general strike, and they don’t need a union card to do it.
It’s obvious that Russia/Musk hacked the election. ETA is doing a great job looking at the data. There’s also clear motives for Trump/Musk/Putin, the fact that Putin does this around the world, that Trump tried to cheat in 2020, Trump’s voting machine comments, Musk’s kid’s blabbing, and LOADS more.
I’m convinced at this point Putin and Musk got Trump elected so he could get Ukraine to surrender and Musk gets the rare Earth minerals. The reason Trump and Republicans have gotten so desperate and hostile is there are consequences for Trump if he doesn’t hold up his end of the deal.
He’d had frequent chats with Putin, that Putin & himself had been through a lot
We know Witcoff had long private meeting with Putin. Also they’ve been having talks about opening up the N Sea passage & of course the sudden fascination with Greenland
So I think I understand? Trump has "obligations" to the Russians that must be fulfilled rather than keeping his promises to the American people.
I think that meets the definition of Treason!
Since the election, reasonable people have been asking how that POS won all of the swing states. What would it take for an audit at this point? Is it even possible?
You truly are watching, in real time, the American democracy become an authoritarian nation. This is not a drill. This is not a risk. This is happening. They have gone after trans, they are going after gays, and they are going after women. Your voting rights will be gone. And we are doing nothing.
It's wild how much of this was obvious from the start, yet so many people pretended it wasn’t happening. Looking back at those early warnings, they weren’t just predictions—they were the blueprint.
Why doesn't Europe make use of this information? I have to imagine they're aware of it. Or maybe they *are* making use of it, and we just aren't aware.
Patrushev has a flaw in his view: Trump and much of his crew have *never been* ’responsible people’, and for 40 years have found ways to give everyone the shaft. If he’s betting Trump won’t find ways to do it to Russia too, well, it’s a loser’s bet.
But will the military just let him hand over the country to Putin? Will they invade Canada on his command? Will they open fire upon US citizens standing on US soil?
It’s been said that Musk had regular contact with Putin between 2022 - 2024. Musk’s sudden insertion of himself at the 11th hour of the ‘24 campaign, and his subsequent near-complete takeover of gov’t agencies is very suspect. Perhaps he & Putin conspired for this outcome.
He hacked the voting in the swing states. mango alluded to it in several speeches.
Clyde tweeted “Anything can be hacked” 5 days before the election.
Psychopaths project their crimes. They need attention. They subconsciously want to brag about it. Stop the steal was projection.
In 2016 the Trump campaign shared polling data with Russian intelligence. DoesTrump get money from Russian banks. Putin interferes in our elections for Trump. Trump Putin meeting result in no notes and Trump always looking like his master hit him.Trump said Putin was a genius for invading Ukraine. He has sold us to Russia - what will you do to remove him from power? The election was compromised. He must be stopped before it’s too late. You are the guardrails - bring the hammer down. Now!!💙🇺🇸
We are not "allies" (in the sense of an independent nation) but a conquered nation in Russia's 21st Cen war on America. Washington DC is now Moscow-On-The-Potomac.
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Well that says it all, we all knew Trumps collusion with Putin, how far it goes back is the question? Trump sold his soul to the devil. Putin & Trump are forces of evil.
Remember, Zelensky said Trump would feel Russia's influence. That wasn't a mistake. He meant that as a warning. He knows as much as anyone that Trump is not safe from Putin, that the man is not to be trusted.
There's an organization called the Election Truth Alliance. At the risk of being labeled a conspiracy nut, it seems that their statisticians have found significant anomalies in the voting results of the swing states. Are we Dems too squeamish to be looking at this?
That message was followed by Putin showing Melania's nude photos on prime time Russian TV a couple of days after the election. Trump knows what Putin will do if he steps out of line.
This is disqualifying for the Presidency! Trump must be removed!
Yeah, this was why Putin was displaying Melania’s nudie pics.
djt had to get to work fast to appease putin to keep him from showing tapes of djt doing dirty deeds.
putin has no problem calling djt to heel in the public space. djt has been doing his best to appeal to his boss.
The original interview by Kommersant [The 'Businessman', a daily Russian newspaper] with Patrushev. From where the " corresponding obligations" quote is taken.
It seems obvious, at this point, that there are so many of our politicians involved (on both sides), that we might not be able to rectify the issue without removing them all. How does one do that?
I agree. It will be tough. Bringing unknowns onto the political stage is a gamble. I’m sure that there’s some nasty stuff hiding in the closets of many of the current ones. It just needs to be dug out.
Ruby was not a patriot. He was part of the coverup. Oswald couldn’t live because there’d have been a trial—discovery, alone would have brought everything to light surrounding JFK’s assassination.
Elon made Trump's "victory." Now, we're steamrolling to Russia. This is all fucking connected and has everything to do with Russia. We need more than opposition- we need communication, education, and ammunition.
Everyone knows he rigged our democratic systems to get into power but question is ‘what r we doing about it’?
First thing should be standing with Justice Sotomayor to reverse decision on ‘absolute immunity’ bc he is using it to weaken our institutions & he can’t be held accountable!
Why can’t people agree to simply investigate the election? The data on drop off voting in the swing states compared to the other states is highly suspect!
The Trump team spent the last 4 yrs contesting the results not because they thought they won but to figure out how to cheat and not get caught. And they succeeded.
Exactly! I just don't get it. Ffs tRump had I don't know how many investigations, recounts etc... What is really going on?? I KNOW the election was hacked,stolen, yet DNC says nothing? Wtf
I don’t know. I’m hoping they are building their case so they can make it stick.
The people would support a recount 💯 and there are several major red flags pointing to election interference. We HAVE to look at this. A criminal usurper with zero love for America is rapidly destroying
Did he explain this ponzi scheme or just call it one?
Every time he speaks I’m more certain he is a predator who is NOT a genius.
By that they mean retirees currently drawing Social Security do, in fact, receive money now coming into the system paid by TODAY’S workers. Today’s retirees paid for the benefits of those who retired before.
Here’s a recent Cato institute take:
Social Security is a commitment made by Congress, and screwed up/screwed over through the years by the same.
Congress at the time likely never envisioned so many people living so long.
This is a good argument for immigration, BTW, because the U.S. population is expected to start declining without it.
🤬 a typical tactic of the kremlin.
His actions, his words are all Putin.
Forever traitor.
The French inspire me. No one fucks with their citizenry. Not anymore. Not since 1789.
We have to do similar. Unless our regular military decide for us that “We got this. We pledged to protect you from all enemies. Foreign and domestic.”
Can't really end well.
second response, sarcasm - but they went through that terrible time together
third response and it was never a hoax, hoax, hoax.
Now What?
He’d had frequent chats with Putin, that Putin & himself had been through a lot
We know Witcoff had long private meeting with Putin. Also they’ve been having talks about opening up the N Sea passage & of course the sudden fascination with Greenland
I think that meets the definition of Treason!
You’re damn right it’s Russia Russia Russia.
Incarcerated for Treason!
All other pending charges against him must be pursued!
President Kamala Harris is to assume her rightful place as president of the United States of America!!
Here are better replacements for “Perhaps”
Clyde tweeted “Anything can be hacked” 5 days before the election.
Psychopaths project their crimes. They need attention. They subconsciously want to brag about it. Stop the steal was projection.
Oh the irony!
These guys are like little kids, gleefully giggling about their ‘big secret’, then spilling the beans.
- 1984, by George Orwell
WE are under ATTACK, and zero is being done about the criminal regime in the WH and NOW protest is the first peaceful way to get the attention!
The way I see this is they are NOT EVEN playing BY ANY RULES! And have removed and are still removing the protections of the people!
Statement of Principles:
Government personnel:
Interesting users: - I
More interesting users: - II
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Don't tell me they didn't have the intel!!!
Instead of those least endowed with a spine, but with enough ‘Sheister DNA’ and know how to act tough for the camera…
Because, bone spurs hurt real bad.
Fuck him and Elon Musk!! Traitors!
This is disqualifying for the Presidency! Trump must be removed!
djt had to get to work fast to appease putin to keep him from showing tapes of djt doing dirty deeds.
putin has no problem calling djt to heel in the public space. djt has been doing his best to appeal to his boss.
The original interview by Kommersant [The 'Businessman', a daily Russian newspaper] with Patrushev. From where the " corresponding obligations" quote is taken.
After all, it is Trump we are talking about, and it’s not as if he’d have much spare cash if his borrowings were called.
Put the blame where it belongs: on the voters bad do you gotta hate everyone who ain't a cis white Christian male to vote for this over Harris?
All enemies, foreign and domestic.
This article (from 2017) is well worth a read
They're coming.
First thing should be standing with Justice Sotomayor to reverse decision on ‘absolute immunity’ bc he is using it to weaken our institutions & he can’t be held accountable!
I’ll never understand why this wasn’t heavily investigated from November 6th forward.
The people would support a recount 💯 and there are several major red flags pointing to election interference. We HAVE to look at this. A criminal usurper with zero love for America is rapidly destroying
Ya'll should maybe quit?
The vanguard 4th Estate should have yelled more and broken through the obvious media false narrative of Trump landslides.
You chumps knew he cheated. Always.
Anyone care to have a thought about this??? Check into it. ? Congressional investigation??? Social media comments??? Hmmm