I haven’t been watching any of it, for the first time ever. Instead I’ve been watching online dog agility training stuff (I subscribe to a paid online program). Just too pathetic
You could see and uncomfortableness. Not sure if it was because his narratives were not quite true, or they were pressured somehow to be there, but they did not look completely on board. Especially the young girls.
I was just gonna say the same thing a black kid with brain cancer in a police uniform. And talking about cancer, which he did just defunded cancer research. WTF are we watching Saturday Night Live.
I knew he was going to work hard to get trans Americans killed tonight. He's really going that direction...predictably. Trump: "You can't blame the Jews anymore, so thank God for these new pronoun people!"
Trumps the personality who destroys good people’s careers.
The actual fuck!?
This is the circus.
They're more weird, these Republicans.
They sure get jazzed about the strangest things, but they're not good at properly solving problems.
And that border crisis he keeps mentioning ... he derailed that effort.