The longest, dumbest, most mendacious, most offensive diatribe in history. And now the trained Fox seals will indulge in orgasms of flattery.
And evangelicals will nod in agreement.
I cannot stand to listen to him for 30 seconds much less 30 minutes or an hour, but 100 minutes??? Omg, Seth. I don't know how you did it. Bless you. Sending you healing wishes, my friend. 💜🙏 ☮️
I can't watch the orange toddler. Being the bloated narcissist that he is, he'll blather on for hours talking absolute shit 🙄🙄 I just can't listen to him. He makes me want to 🤮🤮
You know what Vance is thinking as he smiles and applauds this hideous wreck of a man. You know he absolutely hates his guts and prays every day that the demented old geezer strokes out so he can be president. As for the fake Christian standing next to him, may the Lord give him what he deserves.
People of the US, will injustice of Bstrd Trump at some point bring a just war within your US? Can there be a just war? Frankly, yes, without doubt. Ukraine, experiencing the aggression of Putin, it is certainly just, for Ukraine to destroy Putin. It is a just war to destroy Bstrd Trump!!
I’d rather watch paint dry. He never has anything good to say. Always a small petty person attacking everyone else. A tyrant and a bully. Nothing to see there.
I found Pilsbury DoucheBoy sitting there randomly daydreaming about couches while MAGA Mike was nodding & looking like he was ready to cry a bit distracting.
Good morning seth. I tried to watch it, but couldnt. Its an alternative reality. Unfortunately i think the US is finished as long as he is there and he keeps going with his mantra. He will cause chaos domestically and globally and i hope he gets absolutely hammered for it.
Hat to stop watching Half Way though, and even so bad, and few others also walked out half way in the speech too, this was disgusting, praising Putin & Musk, and the Billionaires Trump wanted, time for this meme to get out...
Instead of pointing out all his lies, it would be easier to point out the one or two things he says that are accidentally true. And a lot harder of a game to play.
Dementia Don is trying so hard to look like the iron fisted mob boss he thinks he is, but all I can think about is that overloaded diaper that must reek by now. 🥴
I understand that you had to watch. For me, watching this (too disgusting to name) would be too much like looking into a sewer while inhaling for hours.
That’s why I will never waste my time listening to the liar! He can’t stop lying. It’s a shame that anyone wasted their precious time listening to his lies and stupidity. He’s dumb and corrupt.
I didn’t bother watching the shit. I’ll let the the pros dissect and do the autopsy of Trump shit SOTU speech. I ate dinner why would I get myself sick listening to Trump’s lies and distortions.
Well his goons chanted “USA!” For about 10 minutes and then stood and clapped for the walking talking hemorrhoid for another 30 minutes. It’s going to have to get much MUCH uglier before it gets better. WE OUTNUMBER THEM!!! REMEMBER THAT!
I'm glad I didn't watch it. He will hold all the WORST RECORDS. When this is over it all needs to end up engraved in granite in DC to warn of the dangers of dictators.
I didn’t watch or listen to it.
These sum up what I assume his toxic drivel was about.
And evangelicals will nod in agreement.
1! It was cleansing!
Which I know is pretty much everything. So just the really really really dumb shit.
Same old sh#t
POTUS KRASNOV of America; alias, Donald John Trump.
SOTUs have no meaning.
They add no new information.
The MSM broadcasts them to prop up their news divisions.
That the Dems went and sat silently - and the MSM showing it with their manufactured consent ...
It's unpatriotic.
Sound's like Trump is compensating.
More Brutal than the original.
Is all lies.
The best part was apparently when he spat up something onto his shoulder.