The uniquely obtuse John Fetterman mansplaining to AOC that America is currently NOT "in chaos" and the Trump administration is currently NOT "harming millions," and therefore our steady state is a Condition Normal he must fight to preserve
There's being out of touch, and then there's Fetterman
There's being out of touch, and then there's Fetterman
Is he threatening to deport Gisele? Is that what he has on you?
Letting Musk and his Red Guards fall under the radar?
He kept *A* government open, but not ours. His capitulation merely enables Trump's transition from our Constitutional Republic to his Corporate Oligarchy.
We'll know soon enough if Fetterman is just confused or if he's been a target of Russian recruitment agents.
December 10, 2024, Fetterman declares the Trump felony convictions are politically motivated “bullshit”, and should be pardoned.
Talk about pre-emptive boot-licking.
It's a regime. The Trump-Musk Regime.
Can’t pretend anymore.
What a HUGE disappointment. Don’t believe me!’? Then ask yourselves this… Why does the GOP have no problem
with the disrespectful way he dressed but does when it comes to Zelenskyy🤔
Was he always this? Did someone drive by with a truck of money? Are the Russians doing what Russians do? Are there pictures out there of something?
gone they have to be destroyed
What a clown.
How do you know if there are more devils or you're just following the only one?
I guess you can, at least, pat yourself on the back for keeping a kleptocratic government "open". 🙄
Trump is a Kremlin plant.
He has lost his mind. Completely.
(Was it the stroke?)
Your republican senators just look the other way.
He is a dictator. He is committing felonies and human rights violations.
Where TF are the people who swore to uphold the constitution?
Look, I get the slim argument for keeping the government running, but it’s basically having zero trust that the American people would’ve risen to the challenge. Sooner or later, general strikes are coming and frankly I’d rather have them sooner.
So great, you surrendered the battle and still can’t present a plan for winning the war?