(🧵) THREAD from a Trump and Musk biographer.
More than any men in America, Trump and Musk target for retribution anyone who crosses them.
And more than anyone, these two complain about media using anonymous sources to report on them.
It’s worth taking a moment and sit with those two statements.
More than any men in America, Trump and Musk target for retribution anyone who crosses them.
And more than anyone, these two complain about media using anonymous sources to report on them.
It’s worth taking a moment and sit with those two statements.
One answer is that they're both malignant narcissistic sociopaths who can't process empathy, and therefore can't put themselves in anyone else’s shoes.
They need a piece of all our lives in a way that is actually _clinical_.
Narcissists literally don't know how to process being widely ignored.
Psychiatrists or psychologists see a narcissist coming, and they run for the hills.
These men use attention as a form of control.
Cheka Handbook, by chapter & verse.
Self-hatred projected onto "the other."
But Mr. Musk didn’t fall from the sky. Society enabled him, cheering and simping for hoarders—mistaking greed for greatness.
Trump’s speech pattern reminds me so much of my abusive ex that I literally can not watch him.
Trump's father drilled into to him to never be a "loser" and that's why he doesn't recognize or accept defeat. To do that would rub up against 78 years of a predetermined mindset.
Very sad and needy but deeply unhappy individuals.
They create their own world of facts to their benefit. It’s social engineering, and it’s working.
Here's a sample:
"What luck, for governments, that the people are stupid!"
It is totally perverse!
The right tool for the job.
They lie, they bully, they're hateful cruel and manipulative and... oh look they're contradicting themselves! Gotcha!
United States position as the shining star of democracy disintegrating. Failing ourselves and failing the whole world!
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Every failure, every societal problem, every personal insecurity is redirected onto “the other.” Neither the individual nor the in-group is ever at fault—every weakness, every instability is blamed on an external force.
'Russia=blame culture'
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
-- Frank Wilhoit.
They both had mean fathers who treated them cruelly.
They're still living w/ their childhood daddy issues.