Don’t we want to follow South Korea’s model? When Martial Law was declared there, the entire citizenship resisted and they took their country back from a tyrant!
And we need to stop being worried about that. One thing I’ve noticed about these losers is if you don’t give into their bullying, they eventually back down. They can dish it out but they can’t take it.
Only States can declare Martial Law. “Amendment Ten to the Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791. It makes clear that any powers that are not specifically given to the federal government, nor withheld from the states, are reserved to those respective states, or to the people at large.“
“You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell and everything is a disaster, then you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be when we were great.”
D. Trump, 2014
This is awful, if not protest, then they can do whatever they want without declaring Martial law. It's disinformation propaganda to suppress the people's protests.
Frankly, I don't see any way out of this mess that doesn't require a revolution. To get out of a mess sometimes you got to go through shit. What good is avoiding martial law while hate, greed & cruelty are normalized? Resistance is never pleasant. #resist
Chauvin plead guilty to federal charges so he could serve his time in federal prison instead of state prison. If he’s pardoned he goes to Minnesota state prison instead.
The writing is all over the wall. They are recreating 1930's Nazi Germany to justify martial law. Tariffs unemployment depression ETC lead to mass protest. Warmer weather with higher crime rates will just add fuel to the fire.
We are gonna have to 1789 on Trump and MAGA. They are going to lock up protesters and dissenters. We need to prepare in advance for what we do. Will the military obey him?
One bight star, maybe, is the fact that almost every one has a phone these days that can record video. Maybe not the best weapon, but more than the US people had in the past.
For one, So he can pause elections for a some time? And stay "king"? Kind of like Ukraine, but not for notorious reasons. Maybe that is were he got the idea?
It's gonna happen sooner or later. He thinks we'll all follow him like his cult. I just wanna escape this country for good. I feel like we'll need some asylum. We aren't gonna be safe, be homeless soon
Well I got layoff starting May so literally nothing tying me down here. I know it's so hard to just move somewhere though. One good thing, got passport couple yrs sgo
The entire MAGA in office need to be gone for good. Dems won't do anything that are literally in office. Do they not understand following rules & courts does nothing
If seceding from the tyranny of government by the fascists, for the billionaires, and of the zealots, I would settle for blue districts or counties having more say in where our tax dollars are spent.
Most of the time the most hopeful thoughts in my head are the ones that allow me to imagine I might be able to get myself and my kids the fuck out of this doomed fascist shithole country. I live in a red state and there is NOBODY in positions of power in state govt that will protect our rights.
I have zero hope, after tonight is what set it all off. I had minimal hope one day, but seeing Dems still said nothing is just a disgrace showing how they won't stand up for us for once in front of the Nation & stating we have free speech, not just you
Both political parties are colluding to the same end. We can't rely on these two parties to stop this. We can only rely on ourselves to end this. We "the people" actually do have the power and the leverage to stop this if we really want it stopped.
That's why we need to spread the idea to any disgruntled military or politicians with a backbone for action. If we had military support that would be tremendous.
There are plenty of generals who have worked for him who now call him a dangerous idiot. Together with all the recent firings of top military leaders, it is a great beginning of resistance and could plan to lead the rest of us angry citizens who are ready to fight for our freedom!!
I have so much anger it would turn to rage fast. All. lies tonight literally just told MAGA that we are anti everyone, but white guy. Half hr him was too much & anger started instantly. Esp about SSI, that's so strict to get, verification has to be legit, I had SSDI once & that was extremely strict
Agreee. A couple of weeks ago, Sen Chris Murphy said something that totally resonated with me, "This is a five alarm fire. We don't have two years to stop this. We maybe have months."
There isn’t much to do but file lawsuits. There are 95-98 lawsuits already.
Some come back in our favor a few not.
Like allowing sewage in our drinking water. 🤬
Watch legal AF and learn about the lawsuit and what is happening. The DOJ is highly understaffed for all these lawsuits
The Dems in congress could have stood up and made noise. They could have made news. They could have brought attention to the lies. Instead they sat there with their little round signs.
Exactly, they never do anything when tonight was the moment. At beginning of his speech he said we have freedom of speech so if they were forced out for speaking they could have literally said that so it would backfire on MAGA
Breaking the law, hell, he's breaking his oath to the constitution. And breaking the constitution! Isn't turning us over to our adversary treason? And still...nothing touches that POS!
He will eventually go over their heads and also, with enough time, have an army of sycophants who will do what he says because they are the same type of ugly evil he is. I would LOVE for it to not come down to anything like what I am proposing, but they wont leave unless forced out.
Read: Fascism, A Warning, by Former Secretary of State, Madelaine Allbright. Each chapter is a case history, which inevitably ends badly for the Fascists. And at great cost to remove them.
Exactly. Our leaders aren't leading the way AT ALL. If people see their reps cowering, they'll cower too. WE THE PEOPLE- it's the first fucking three words in the constitution!!
That's why I'd like to escape elsewhere. No other country would be willing to help us esp after tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if other countries closed borders from us
Democrats then could just remove Trump and no martial law
D. Trump, 2014
If this ever came to fruition for them, they know we'd go absolutely crazy.
- with love from Minneapolis
That way, they can control us with military force, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, there will be no elections!
Some come back in our favor a few not.
Like allowing sewage in our drinking water. 🤬
Watch legal AF and learn about the lawsuit and what is happening. The DOJ is highly understaffed for all these lawsuits
This shit tonight - scares the fuck outta me - their point. Breathe!
They are in the minority in both chambers and the law is the only resort they have left.
I will not obey in advance and probably not in the either