First Bird of My Day: with the song of a blackbird in the tree above, a magpie struts, hops and flies around the school playing field, searching for insects in the grass. #FirstBirdOfMyDay
Jackdaws, a group of six around a chimney stack, quietly paused in their morning after a showery dawn. Then one tchaked and flapped at another (play fighting?) and they all flew off about their business of the day.
Wow! Have to wait for them here a little longer. In the meantime, we get to enjoy the chirping of the House Sparrows and the squawking of the Common Gulls 😺 #FirstBirdOfMyDay though was a Feral Pigeon eyeing up the sunflower seeds :)
Walking morning near the 1000 steps close to home and a small group of superb fairy wrens hop searching by the path. Soon after a bronzewing pigeon burst out from the undergrowth just in front of me then waddled unhurriedly back to cover. #FirstBirdOfMyDay #WhatsYours
I’ve never seen/heard a skylark. A little jealous of you! 🥰