Hi All, two big releases this morning. First, I just sent out my weekend update (free as always). There was nothing shocking in the Oval Office bullying of Zelensky. Trump was speaking Putin’s words because he sides with Putin. Stop pretending otherwise. https://open.substack.com/pub/phillipspobrien/p/weekend-update-122-trump-opens-his?r=1tgexa&utm_medium=ios
Supplicating to trump is a strategic error because he sees western structures as the deep state which he views as against him and his buddies.
The idea we will get something we can rely on out of him by snivelling up to him is wrong.
Just a shout out, NOW is the time for people in US to stand up against the active coup. Some inspiration on how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By1Z1nk31iE&ab_channel=AdamConover
The WORLDS leaders need to step up and use the surveillance intel we all know they have on trump and Putin to crush them once and for all!
Making a living as a writer is not the same as monetizing and wringing every possible penny of profit out of a crisis.
It's a shame not everybody here understands that.
“Boo hoo World War III, me so scared. Gotta give russia anything because they hinted about nukes”.