In America, cruelty was openly legal for most of it history, and remains normalized as "conservative" for the remainder.
Among Klans, lynch mobs, segregationists, confederates, slave owners, the plantation society, among those who "fought" and "civilized" native americans.
Yes unhoused people being talked about like not even animals but trash has been very concerning for awhile. This is across most of the political spectrum. If they aren’t people, but trash they can be swept away
I have a theory that America goes through binge-fast cycles regarding cruelty. During the binge periods, Americans vote Republican and indulge in gratuitous cruelty, like stuffing ourselves with delicious birthday cake.
Then we vote for Democrats, because we feel guilty and self-conscious, and all too aware of how our indulgence in gratuitous cruelty makes us look to the rest of the world. But we always relapse and indulge again eventually. (I use the general "we," I have voted Dems for the past 25 years.)
I know this doesn't account for everyone in the USA, like people in historically disenfranchised or marginalized groups. But I think it's like this for more people than would care to admit this about themselves and our society.
For one example I’ve noticed an uptick of men being more bullish towards women out in public since Rump became president. I could only imagine how many people will be targeted. 😢
Normalization of cruelty at least sometimes, like “hahaha that dude voted for Trump and just got detained by ICE.” Or “hahaha anti-vaxxer’s kid got measles.” I know I find myself having to guard against its creep.
People are immediately getting nasty and reverting to name calling. I think this is how people type on FB? I don’t know. Someone was calling me names. I clicked on his profile and I agreed with all of his posts but blocked him bc he was so aggressive about this one thing
Nazìs are fascists who hate the “inferior races” and idolize Hìtler.
All Nazis are fascists.
But not all fascists are Nazis.
And there are a LOT of fascists out there.
Among Klans, lynch mobs, segregationists, confederates, slave owners, the plantation society, among those who "fought" and "civilized" native americans.