Oh dear! Well if there's one thing parents of little kids learn fast it's advanced clothes washing skills 🫠🫠 either that or creative explanations "oh yes, fabric with yellow splodges is very in right now amongst the under 3s"
At least your toddler doesn’t keep sticking a fork in the electrical outlet because they enjoy getting sparked or drink an entire bottle of NyQuil cause they were thirsty. 🙃
Relate! I once left the 6 month old too near to the coffee grounds. Turned around to find them in baby’s mouth, all over the clothes (white of course), and the floor.
Fortunately I had the presence of mind to take a photo before cleaning up. 😂
Yes, she is pouring spices from one jar into another
(I did once eat Comet when I was a little older than my kid is now. I thought it was Parmesan cheese.)
Fortunately I had the presence of mind to take a photo before cleaning up. 😂