here are the poems - i will post each as an individual reply and tag the person its for.
there are 69 of them so please, be patient with me.
bonus offer: if you missed out reply to this before midnight ACDT (8.5 hours from now) ill write you one in the morning
here are the poems - i will post each as an individual reply and tag the person its for.
there are 69 of them so please, be patient with me.
bonus offer: if you missed out reply to this before midnight ACDT (8.5 hours from now) ill write you one in the morning
an imp delighted dancing with
magic and mischief trailing
in the wake of tapping feet
such a wonderful friend to have
to keep on the good side so that
you can then create even more
trouble giggling in delight
may today be kind to you
i hope you know i love you
that as long as i exist there
is someone who cares about you
endlessly who wants you to be happy
and who loves you for you, just as you are
no matter if you hate yourself, if you
feel ugly or unwanted just know
I love you
and one day i swear i owe you the biggest hug
i appreciate your encouragement and enjoy
hopping on a call and working on writing
(maybe we can do that again if timezones
work a little more back into our favour)
thanks for being my friend, i adore you
(Happy wiggles)
but i love watching you grow
your kindness doesn't make
you a pushover - you have
a spine of steel and a smile
so sharp it could cut a man
you match beauty with wit
and i was wondering if you
would like to hang out and watch a movie? in matching mothman
this is so beautiful 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 thank you so much
when it comes to a
certain kind of monster
i think dragons can't be beat
i love the strength inherent
in their form, how trustingly
they may rest their head
upon my lap and let me adore them
the growls and rumbling tones
send sparks along all my nerves
A song so soft and kind.
Giving us a remedy,
To ease our weary minds.
This was such a nice treat to wake up up 🥰
the grace, beauty and creativity you hold in your hands
is awe-inspiring, i admire and adore how hard you work
you provide me with joy, with terror and with peace - you
make words dance, and shine brighter than any nebula
whenever i see you in my notifications
you are always so kind and supportive
and have the cheekiest grin i know
I think of you with fondness often
and hope that you receive the good
in the world, that you get the things
you deserve and then even more
that you have a poem in my
published book, so this is
just a small reflection of
that written truth, you
are such a joy in my
life, a delight for
my soul and
all the
I-thank you. And I love you dearly 💜
i speak of the kindness you show
the pride i have in calling you a friend
and how you make my life brighter
with your words and encouragement
your laughter never fails to
make me smile, the puns
... i dont hate them
(well kinda but less than
i adore you so it balances)
and listen to you as the world
fades away, all the troubles seem
easier to bear with you in my ear
reminding me i'm adored so now
i write this to let you know that
you too are adored and seen
and valued for who you are
you don't have to be perfect
you just have to be you
and play a lazy game of chess, you can
move my pieces for me i trust you
as i rest content in your arms we
laugh - you dont let me win but im
pretty sure you're pretending to work for it
i am filled with quiet adoration for you
i want you to be happy my dear
a choreographer of words
you make them dance to
the tune you set, you shine
bright, a joy to watch you
work, a want to kiss words
from your lips, to still the pen
offer instead inspiration
for you to claim if you so wish
regardless, appreciation
remains ever true for you
the way you support and uplift others
and it's a sign of your good heart
that you listen and care, that you're
always there, these things will
come back around to you, i truly
believe that they will, that you deserve
back the joy and goodwill you put
out into the world
I didn’t expect to wake up to this, for some reason i didn’t think i liked the post😅
But thank you so much Melody, i am so thankful for this!💞
Happy valentines day Mel!💞
bordered by trees that
create a spot of shade
for us to rest in while
birds sing above us
we rest for a while and
i make you a crown of
flowers to wear in your
hair as you do the same
we exchange garlands
and dance through the field
scattering petals in our joyous wake
there's a chime of a clock
musical tones that make
you drop further down
and here in the peace
you find within yourself
you give up everything
and get it back tenfold
a magical night that will
live forever on in your
memories every time you
hear the chime of a clock
this... this was amazing!
thank you so much 💙
you are an angel, really, really, thank you 🥲
Happy Valentines day to you too, hope you have a lovely day.
to a summer day, to flowers
or to the beauty of nature
and they would still fall short
because words cannot do justice
to the truth of who you are
you are loved, you are adored
and i will always be happy to
remind you of this truth
you commit each day to being you
the way you are brave enough to say
i deserve better, and follow through
i admire you, i adore you, i think
you deserve the world at your feet
(where i'd gladly worship, you are
so so worthy of adoration darling)
when we get the chance to hang out
and you're so beautiful like i'm blessed
to know you, and i'm not just talking
about how i'd love to cover you with kisses
and spend time adoring you but
your soul is beautiful, your mind is beautiful
you are just.
i adore you, thank you so much for this gorgeous piece!
you are a joy to spend time with, gaze upon and you are SO talented with your words. thank you for being my friend 💚
rest with me a while
you deserve a bit
of looking after and
comfort, of soft hugs
and sweet kisses that
show you how much
you're worthy of all
the attention and care
because you are
worthy of attention
you deserve all the
care and grace and
beautiful things in the
world my friend
that makes those attracted
to you fold to their knees
contains the sweetest heart
and golden soul, both of which
peak through constantly
you deserve to be spoiled
and to have many good things
the same way you spoil us
with your presence in the
skies of brightest blue
a feast day of adoration
dedicated to hedonism
to the passion for living
that we deserve to feel
to experience, to live
dancing through life
through desires and
wanton wicked wants
until every one is sated
replete and well fed
as we rest forgetting
the marks passion left
rowing in the same direction
plotting out a course
and finding shared conviction
pretty words dance together
puzzle pieces sliding home
and after the stormy weather
rainbows guide feet that roam
to bring you safely back to shore
and hold you close in arms once more
Happy Valentine's Day!
celebrating beauty found
in every shape and size
from clothed to fully bare
with words and colours write
the desires that come to mine
creating something special
that brings such deep delight
expression of passion in
passionate expression abloom
with colour and vibrant joy
blend your words into mine
lay the kindling for a fire
i'll set it aflame if you will
tend it, we'll build it up
using sentences for
branches creating desire
stirring it high enough
that everyone will read
and feel that same want
that dances in our veins
And of course I would write with you anytime! 😊
Happy Valentine's Day to you too! 😊❤️❤️🐻
and sleeping while i'm on my lunchbreak
and yet while we pass like two ships in the night
know this: i think you're pretty damn great
there's something immensely comforting
to see you everyday even if just for the
briefest moment on the timeline
both naughty and nice all needed
you bring such joy to our lives with
your beautiful self, your clever pen
ma lumière étoile you shine so bright
and i wish only this: your eternal happiness
that you may have everything you dream of
that hope and joy surround you
The poem is so sweet and beautiful, thank you 🥺💜
onto the page is one
of the greatest skills that there is
you can write truths in fantasy
or reiterate lessons from history
take dreams and imagination
and create something tangible
never cease to create for we
stand strongest when we make
things the world cannot take
the enemies i made, little karmic
mishaps that make me smile,
i'm a little vindictive it's true
but i'm ever grateful for you
for sticking with me for a while
through the thin things and thick
building cities anew from the rubble
wrapped up in each other, resting close as
the exhaustion of a night of switchy fun
catches up with us, and we drift off
entwined knowing in the morning
we'll go walking and talking like
the old friends we are, that
soon we'll travel to uluru
to go walking there
a warrior awaits his love
to come home from war
long has he missed the one
he loves more than life itself
but soon they will be reunited
and he will taste the lips
of his lover again, he will
drown in the scent of the
one he adores, he will be
finally home with his lover
honest self, to embrace passion
and delight is such a joy
there is a fire that burns in your soul
let it dance out into your words
and set the world aflame
do not be afraid of being you
there's plenty of people who
will gladly bask in the heat
late night in town, lights all strung between
the buildings, a bustling weekend of shows
we go to the garden of unearthly delights
i shout you a drink, you buy another round
of sweets and we get offered cheap tickets
for a show, so we accept and go watch
a peaceful warmth you want
to bask in, with a kindness that fills
your soul with a delightful joy
you are a blessing to know, such
delight you bring to those fortunate
enough to find shelter in your rays
its enough to make a girl wanna
hold you close and adore you
a sign of hope, of friendship unending and of soulmates
how fitting then that you bring such joy and friendship
into my life, a goddess of rainbows - of light shining
and of endless sweet joy to all who bask in your glow
were angels once who fell; the glorious
devilish beauty of your smile, the temptation
in your voice when you speak is unfathomably
deep, a siren song of drowning but
i would willing let myself sink, let you draw
me under because one kiss from you would
revive me
that sings through every sentence
i would like you to know that you're seen
and never unappreciated you are
snowdrops peeking through the grass
as spring arrives and you are the
rainbow dancing through the clouds
at sunset to put it in a word you are
the fluffiest bun with a heart
of gold, adorable and kind
i promise never to take you
for granted; you deserve to
be treated with utmost care
and my goal would ever be
to be the kind of person you'd
feel comfortable to flop down
with and keep me company
will more good things come your way
and if i had any say in how the world runs
the answer would be most certainly
you deserve a joyous life, and one that
is full of all kinds of love and enjoyment
you deserve peace and good things
and I really hope that you get it
Happiest of valentines days to you, Melody. This is LOVELY.
you pick the movie while i get the light
we can cuddle up close hands entwine
while we watch your favourite first, then mine
and if you fall asleep on my shoulder don't fret
i'll kiss your temple and hold you close, my sweet
all the bees stay far away
and there we talk for hours
we both have much to say
it's a quiet kind of joy to bask
in sunlight and peace with a friend
no concerns about jobs or tasks
just contentment that we wish never ends
discovering all the things
to enjoy about each other
the sensitive places to touch
the phrases that get shivers
how to make each other
because i want to learn everything
and i want to teach you all about me
without thinking of you
they make me smile
same as you do
you are my friend
and i adore you truly
the way you make me feel
so comfortably at home
you are more than the struggles you carry
you deserve love and watching
you be in love makes me so happy
(i wish you always joy)
and i tell you, you only had to bring yourself
we go for long walks down by the lake
arm in arm, playing pokemon go with our
free hands as I show you the best route
one with a few lovely groups of trees
perfect to take a break, lean against
and be kissed
Happy Valentines Day
but it's not too warm, and the barbeque
is crackling as we cook up a feast to share
welcoming in the new year, have a drink
with me to new friends as we enjoy our
seafood skewers and the songs we grew
up with crackle through the radio on the porch
a little trinket, a flash of gold
that catches your eye but you
know that when you see it that
there's only one thing that i want
for you to sink to your knees for me
to let the thoughts and words just
and become my sweet obedient darling
Always a charmer with the words!
You are a legend for such an extensive list that you provided!
Happy Valentines! 💟 💟
we rise again, the fire burning in our
souls grants us wing of white-hot flame
and we soar up into the stars, a phoenix
rising from the muck and mire to bring
hope to bring encouragement to use
every skill granted to us to uplift others
and how you are doing so well
im so proud of you for how
you take steps to look after yourself
youre such a sweetheart
make my day whenever you come
and mzmzmzmz in the replies because
it's such a simple lovely way to show
your appreciation, and this poem
is mine for you
planets unknown; comets and
meteors - all the vast beauty
that makes us remember we
are both so small, but also
that we are made of stardust
and we are beautiful; we are
beloved, we are celestial songs
wending on the paths between
stars, dancing in endless joy
you just radiate joy and love. i love you so much!
vitriol and hatred and things like that
it brings us friends from all around
the world, it allows us to connect
to learn and find the people who
feel like they've always been part
of our lives. (it brought me you)
i am very glad that we
found each other here
marked with glyphs that glow
at the moment of sunrise
and sunset; if you catch them
you can open the door and
reveal a library - endless
stacks of books sprawl out
a well of knowledge it would
take years to discover and
you find a cozy corner to
sit and read until day's end
and sun combine into the
soft beauty of a quiet morning
shared with a friend; a picnic
with pretzels still warm from
their baking. some sweet
covered in sugar and cinnamon
that sticks to our lips as we
laugh enjoying the time together
stories to describe and unfold
love so deep it breaks time
and space something sublime
love so wonderful though forbidden
is difficult then to truly keep hidden
it spills out like wildflowers bloom
shows in how you light up the room
starcrossed isnt always sorrow
girls night out, swapping lipsticks
finding the perfect colours that
will make people fall to their knees
for us when we walk into the venue
the jazz band plays as we lounge
waving away endless offers to buy
us drinks, content for now with
our own excellent company
the world crumbling to pieces around him
and he pens another tale, the ink seeps
into the book, with a swirls of magic
it is duplicating itself in a far off land in
the hope that the words he pens of the fate
of his city will save that country from the same
to take you down to the river
walk along the gardens there
watch the wood ducks and then
go up to the zoo to the aviary
how pretty your smile would be
how maybe i'd be brave and ask
to kiss it from your lips, to taste the
sweetness of your soul as birdsong
sings around us
for a late brunch, and on the way
home i bump my hip against yours
to get your attention and when you
look over i laugh "first one home
gets to pick who's taking the lead"
by the time you've processed the words
i've already started running
(who wins? you decide)
a beautiful joy to have as a friend
the loyal devotion and enthusiasm
you have is something people
should never take for granted
because you are a delight to know
and a joy to behold, your happiness
makes me smile and your laughter
curves my lips, makes me chuckle too
strength, the soft sheets covering
just enough, the elegant grace
of you is a blessing to see
you are precious silver
polished and vibrant
the classic elegance
of monochrome delight
and always adored
to hold you and whisper
thanks for all you do
because you are amazing
you are so kind and caring
let me be the one to treat you
we'll go out somewhere nice
dress up like we're movie stars
pretend for just one night that
the world is at our feet
i'd lay it at yours if i could
live life to the fullest
we are rainbows shining
filled with moonlight and
starsong, we live deliciously
proud of who we are, a riot
of life, a dance full of joy
the world might try to shout
us down, but at night we dance
and by day we fight; we are
here, we are alive
a new friend, someone who you adore
and who shares passions with you
who provides encouragement and
is just a joy to be around, and this
is how I feel about you, you're an
inspiration and a joy, a beautiful
light and gorgeous inside and out
a fierce dragon to guard your door to
keep you safe and sound, even more
to warm you at night and to adore you
delicate flower you deserve to be seen
as you are truly, you are precious and
valued as you are, you're not alone
you will find the ones who love you
as a line of heat against my back as
arms wrap around me holding me close
whisper a thousand things you'd like to do
play out some fantasies for me step by step
and we'll make a few of them come true
in the desert after rain; a colourful
delightful, flourishing sort of beauty
you maks people smile and light up
their days your presence is always
noted, always appreciated
i hope that the year to come brings
you every joy, much laughter
and every good thing
as the light-bringer and every time
i see you im reminded that even
angels fall and i cast down my crown
in wonder and awe, there's something
damned and divine in each moment
shared with someone whose eyes
burn like hellfire and whose smile
is pure heaven to behold
and have afternoon tea beneath
the red pandas roaming around
we can exchange conversation
and laughter as you watch them
saying how adorable they are
and i watch you with a smile
agreeing, "adorable indeed"
because you are
I will sob, Jah, this is so sweet and wonderful, just like you 💜💜💜💜
a little heart button is valued and
adored - i always get a little bolt
of serotonin and joy right to my
bloodstream when i see people
enjoying my work - so thankyou
i see you, and you are so so
very appreciated, so very cared
for, so very, very adored
about the beach as the water turns
wine-dark and the clouds gleam
gold edged - as birdsong and
wind wrap around us, we
stand at the edge of
the world, just the
two of us alone
waiting for
a kiss
to bring joy with every movement
the strength within your palms
holds potential for pleasure
whether its holding another
safe harbour against stormy weather
or stroking soft skin to stir
endless emotions to the surface
youre capable of amazing things
with your hands
us in a kitchen cooking dinner together
me wearing that skirt you like, laughing
we make a family recipe to share
imagine me kissing you and holding you close
as stars come out and it starts to get cold
imagine dancing with me out in the snow
helping me stay warm
how about we spend the day
window shopping and walking
up in the hills, ill take you to
the really nice bakery and we
can watch the world go by as
we snack on the best beestings
and then later go for a drink
(pick whatever is your poison)
i want you to write for me
while i do my best to distract
with clever hands that can
play many instruments and
a mouth made for kissing
i want you to write the fantasy
i am bringing to life for you
until you break and give in
im so excited to see you thrive
to rediscover all the ways to live
im proud of you and the strength
it takes to leave a bad situation
youre an amazing person who is
worthy of love and adoration and
so much more, i hope you get it
i hope life brings you much joy
kind words and gestures
are noted and make me
smile, you should know
that you are the kind of
someone who deserves
a thousand gifts but in
lieu have a few pale words
to tell you that youre an
amazing soul worthy of
every good thing in the world
i lift a glass to a new friend
clink it once and we drink
you smile, i laugh and soon
were exchange stories like
weve been besties for years
they kick us out so i invite
you back to my place to hang
out on the couch, put on a movie
and spend the night with a
heart full of joy
anytime i see your pfp
i smile it reminds me a bit
of betty boop, that old world
charm, that gorgeous classic
beauty and i hope your day
has been as brightly beautiful
as you yourself are cause you
deserve to have lovely things
This is the sweetest thing I've read all day.
Omg I hadn't even clicked about the Betty Boop thing but you're so right! 🤭
Thank you. I truly hope the rest of your day is filled with all the things that make you happy ❤️