My husband put a scented trash bag in the trash drawer (because that’s a thing now) and then I picked up chihuahua poop. Now I have lavender shit scented trash.
I too am struggling with scented trash! I put Swiffer wets in mine when I was done mopping yesterday. It feels odd to have a pretty smell come from your garbage can. Like a whiff of a little floral trash ghost… that said, glad you are fine :)
I once accidentally bought a giant box of scented trash bags from Costco. I had to keep it outside until I could find someone to give it to who didn't mind the scent. Torture.
I was cleaning up after a party once with a 5 alarm hangover. Unbeknownst to me, my wife had switched out our regular bags for scented ones the day before. When the smell of "shit cos playing as flowers" hit me in the face, I immediately barfed into can. Thus compounding my problems.
This reminded me of that 1980s Lysol commercial where Aunt Marge is spraying air freshener, and the kid says, "Now it smells like fish and roses!"
And it really is always lavender isn’t it. Why? Why does it have to be.
Why lavender scented bags - dog poop, garbage, recycle … lav.en.der. 🤢 or it’s lavender with like .. earth notes. Which quite frankly is just dirt . I’d rather smell my gd garbage
Just to add … lavender scented swifter pads … ugh! Burns my nostrils. They are always sold out of the unscented .. likely because NO ONE WANTS THE SCENT
It is always lavender! There is even quilted northern with a lavender-scented paper roll. I accidentally bought this toilet paper and I swear it was sooooo bad!
Purchased a box a few weeks ago and didn’t notice that they now come scented. The scent lasted about 3 eye-watering hours, then the trash smelled like trash again.
Karen, these are the kind of posts we all really need in a time like this. Please keep being the hilarious woman you are. Also, please get Georgia to make a Bluesky too 🦋🫂💙🩵💙🩵💙
It’s a descendant of that grocery bag from “American Beauty,” isn’t it — still working through generational trauma after that guy was filmed without consent.
Why lavender scented bags - dog poop, garbage, recycle … lav.en.der. 🤢 or it’s lavender with like .. earth notes. Which quite frankly is just dirt . I’d rather smell my gd garbage
Purchased a box a few weeks ago and didn’t notice that they now come scented. The scent lasted about 3 eye-watering hours, then the trash smelled like trash again.