My housemates & I have been doing some more Bubble Dragon work here & there, and I realized that my AnimatedSprite class was borked, so I made this simple, somewhat cryptic, visual testing scene to make sure that animations play correctly based off of various parameters
Interesting 🤔 I recently started working on something related and I was wondering which path to go down on for a small self-contained project; currently going entities-only cos I think it fits the idea better and a lot of it can be just done in code inheritance, which is what I guess you're doing?
Not quite – I'm using ECS for its easy composability (i.e. give me an entity with component A & system X, then another one with components A & B and system Y) to allow me to easily put together step-by-step interactive tutorials without having to duplicate code
I'm very much still in the phase of slapping stuff together, so it'll be a minute before things get pretty
I can write tutorials in the "building blocks" way ECS provides, and then publish them in the simpler Actor model!