this scans. I worked at a comic shop when Diamond Distributors had a stranglehold on the major publishers, and all my customers could curse them by name. I told my boss, like...can you name any other industry where the consumer even THINKS about the distributor?
fun tangent story: i worked at a comix shop with an owner who was terrible at business, it was a huge money fire, and he had fucked up his credit with Diamond and was banned, so, he had a friend in another city order them and he'd drive out there every week, on a *950 mile round trip*
that place was a shit show, lol- best manager ive ever had, worst owner. The owner was used to hiring 20 years olds who were just thrilled to work a comix shop- the manager hired, instead, a few 35-45 year olds who didn't take the owner's shit so much, it was pretty fun while it lasted
I've told the story before but my owner WAS the sole manager and my time there was marked by a clear before/after he had a spiritual Epiphany while filming a Springer episode and came home a gentler man
Isn't it a bit early to judge that? ActivityPub would be seamless and invisible if you shut down every server but, isn't this a bit like saying "nobody ever had a misunderstanding speaking the language I invented and didn't tell anyone about, therefore I've solved world peace"?
Yes and no, there are already people here on independent PDSes, and everything would still be mostly seamless with independent AppViews as long as moderation policy isn't radically different between them
damn this sparked some controversy lol, even a quote-"dunk"?
And yeah, while I think it's very interesting to explain at least *why* the protocol is such a big deal, a user should not be required to learn about it to use the service like any other social network.
On the one hand I agree, some things should be invisible. On the other, I find it sad that most people I've ever talked with don't take interest in how things work and would rather treat everything for granted. This isn't true just in software. I dislike that people have become less inquisitive.
Some things should be invisible!
And yeah, while I think it's very interesting to explain at least *why* the protocol is such a big deal, a user should not be required to learn about it to use the service like any other social network.