I’ve been known to strain stock into the sink. Left with a colander full of meat carcass and no stock for soup. Yup. On the plus side, I’ve yet to put my shoes in the fridge.
Now there is a long adventure of a lone noodle through the dark sewers… does it meet a rag tag team of sink adventurers making their way through the abyss…
Slippery stuff.
i wash the sink exactly as often as the countertop, and yet
Penne is sitting
In the sink
I stare at it,
eyes welling up
I'm sorry,
my friend, as
I do not want you
the pasta
that fell into
the sink
and which
you were probably
to throw away
Forgive me
they were delicious
so wobbly
and bacteria-ridden
the pasta escaped.
it has escaped the strainer.
pasta in the sink.
Thanks for making me smile :)