I was telling a friend about this, and he was shocked to learn I've boycotted Walmart for years due to their policies that destroy small businesses, among other things.
Yeah, eggs cost $6 for a 1 1/2 dozen at my Walmart BUT with Trump Tariffs coming up, the eggs will cost $12 for a 1 1/2 dozen there! Thank you, #Trumpflakes!
The impending tariffs just give all the big companies a reason to hike their prices before Christmas. A way to make billions before the clown is sworn into office
Cancelled my Walmart Plus membership. When they asked why I said “political reasons.” I hated shopping there anyway, but it was the most convenient. Feels good to be done.
Walmart won’t absorb the cost of anything. If their customers can’t afford it and won’t buy it they just won’t carry it. Hello, food shortages at a time when most people can’t afford to stock up.
WalMart is a top GOP donor. They are funding the school voucher takeover in Ar. and are trying to buy up public land along the Buffalo River to profit off of it. They probably had every intention of raising prices and are delighted with this excuse.
The effects of the tariffs that Trumps wants to impose on imported goods will make the inflation that occurred after the pandemic look good in comparison.
I worked for Walmart 9 years, and still do work in several as part of my current job. Walmart’s terrible treatment of its workers did as much as tRump’s first term to drive me over to the left. Sad. I have an aunt who worked for Walton at the original store and she says he was very kind then.
A merica
G ouge
A gain
*their warning on tariffs*