American healthcare has always been a unholy dysfunctional abomination but my parents never talked about how my birth permanently ruined their credit score .
Nobody wants to talk about the price-tag to abortion or trans medicine because the price of mere existence at birth is a taboo.
I know you lie, first of all bc no mutilation or even surgery is done to trans kids and second bc you have no problem when cis kids receive surgeries (the same your kind accuse us to perform on kids like breast reduction) to affirm their gender
and you should be the one who let me know when you have to cut such kid down, bc no trans kids receive such procedures, you are the one saying such thing happens so is up to you to prove it and to prove that produce such harm on kids, not up to people who knows that such thing do not happen, duh
Well, i already proved you wrong, now is up to you to upstand to your word, you do not want dead kids? stop being against them for being trans, you do want dead kids? then dont
i will silence you so you can be alone with your thoughts bc you had a lot of dumb takes, bye :3
It amazes me the amount of cognition dissonance you and your kind have, dude, we go trough transition, we know its effects and how the treatment works, you thinking you know better how it works bc some politician told you (while asking for your vote to stop this "madness") is plainly dumb
1. Classic trap for dumbs, they say "between the age of 13 and 17 you find 200 surgeries" and then it is only 1 at age 13 (for unknowns reasons like for example an overdevelopment that requires surgery to fix a back pain or cancer) and 199 at age 16-17 (when it can be done for transition purposes) +
Meanwhile the children point at you as the ones doing harm to them, you are being deceived, not "waking up"
Surgeries on trans kids do not happen, is not a experiment, is something you have been deceived to believe as i will point out in your other post with the dumb article you do not understand
nope, is not done, what they are banning are puberty blockers that delay the choice of transition to when they are older, they are lying bc that get them votes and not in trans female kids, guidelines specify no surgery before puberty
But cis male kids are allowed to receive such gender surgery
i can also let you know that such kids suicide notes specifically point against people like you
you must not be very intelligent to say such thing to trans people, do you think trans adulst just spawn like we were in a videogame? we very well know the reason behind suicidal behaviour
when you call trans adults paedophiles for being trans you are also doing so to trans kids that can perfectly see you, are afraid to just be outside or exist at all bc they see the terrorism acts your kind do to trans people, they lose all hope bc they are not allowed to have friends bc your kind +
Nobody wants to talk about the price-tag to abortion or trans medicine because the price of mere existence at birth is a taboo.
Let me know when you have to cut a kid down from a doorway because they hung themselves who had the procedure.
i will silence you so you can be alone with your thoughts bc you had a lot of dumb takes, bye :3
Stop this experiment on children. I don’t care what you do as an adult.
Surgeries on trans kids do not happen, is not a experiment, is something you have been deceived to believe as i will point out in your other post with the dumb article you do not understand
But cis male kids are allowed to receive such gender surgery
you must not be very intelligent to say such thing to trans people, do you think trans adulst just spawn like we were in a videogame? we very well know the reason behind suicidal behaviour