Please, please, please… someone give me *exact* tips (experiment setup, how to buy stuff) on how to recreate this in front of a bunch of elementary school kids!
I'm volunteering as an astronomy elective class teacher — a "fart rocket engine" demonstration would mean immortal fame 🤓🥹😂🤣
I recall a series of YouTube videos about a "red hot nickel ball" and various things it was put in (including a blender!) - this might be from one of those?
...... Now I have to wonder if that's how SFX houses get blue smoke on movie sets. Because if not, I'm betting it's a LOT cheaper and more environmentally friendly than smoke machines with an additive.
I'm volunteering as an astronomy elective class teacher — a "fart rocket engine" demonstration would mean immortal fame 🤓🥹😂🤣
only thing i learned from this is that aloe farts are looooooong