I am glad this is being looked into. But another related concern. Why are all the chickens killed if a few get sick? If a virus circulated and many chickens did not get it, why don’t they leave them alone since their immunity is already strong enough. If someone who knows can explain it, please do.
Most Breads have Gluten- Bad for us!
Dairy and Beef also Bad."""""
Pork """"""""""
Fish and Poultry are good. Watch out for Bird Flu!
Read the Books, "Diet for a Small Planet", "Forks over Knives." and "Silent Spring" Hopefully it will wake people up about their bad diets.
Great book about it, "All Honorable Men"
book for our times (lulz in my tears)
Dairy and Beef also Bad."""""
Pork """"""""""
Fish and Poultry are good. Watch out for Bird Flu!
Read the Books, "Diet for a Small Planet", "Forks over Knives." and "Silent Spring" Hopefully it will wake people up about their bad diets.