Any military member who fires on a US citizen exercising their constitutional rights has violated their oath and deserves whatever punishment comes their way, whether that be in immediate response or in war tribunals after this administration has gone the way of Mussolini's.
The American Resistance will be the French Resistance on steroids. 75 million voted against Trump. The Trump dictatorship will not be embraced like Germany almost uniformly embraced Hitler.
That shock didn’t last long and the only groups that fought back were students, disillusioned Vietnam Vets, Blacks, with groups like SDS, Black Panthers, Young Lords. Not your average American mom and pop.
They already are- treat themikenthat now- ESPECIALLY Air Force personel… DO NOT TRUST THEM. Mark them, know your neighbors- be sure to understand who your enemies are before they leave their house.
This has not been an option for 200 years. The only way this would happen is if the military turned on the president. But citizens against the military would have zero chance.
I think the military is split ideologically just like the country. The reservists and Guard units obey their governors. DC is pretty much surrounded by blue states. All military academies are in blue states.
Yes this is what would be interesting. But this would need to happen because citizens themselves couldn't fight the military. There's something away if an Abraham's or even a Bradley fighting vehicle with a chain gun shows up that there's anything you can do.
I’m hoping half the military and blue state reservists and guard units rescue us from these domestic terrorists and tyrants. Because that’s what they are. Pure evil sons of bitches. And Trumps mother was a Grade A Bitch.
If todays Americans were anything like the Americans of the 1700s, trump, musk and their ilk would have already been dragged from the White House, been tar and feathered and either strung up or locked up for life. What are you Patriots waiting for, the World is waiting for you to end this nightmare
You have 390 million weapons in circulation. Time to use them for what constitutional amendment 2 was intended for (spoiler: it was not for hunting or dealing drugs)
And the troops will all collectively comply? So in saying that, our sons and daughters in the military will be confronted with orders to kill their own citizens? That would be an enormous mistake that we can’t afford to make.
Yes, the difference with America is that we have our Sovereignty of States which was created by the Founders to provide some protection against a tyrannical regime!
But, I agree with what I think is your larger point. An assymetrical resistance conducted by a sated, spoiled, unserious populace against a technologically superior foe is facing Everest-level odds.
You’re right, we did fight a civil war, but you don’t remember the lesson—States don’t have the right to secede.
Listen, it’s all well and good to fantasize about a resistance, but the real truth about assymetrical warfare is it’s messy, grimy, and unlikely to succeed in the short term.
You have to remember one thing. We’re fucking Americans! We don’t go quietly, we’re prob armed, & we don’t like being told what to do. But the 1 thing we ALL agreed on was the Constitution. We won’t tolerate a Pres sending troops after civilians. We do not go quietly! It’s in our blood!
I don't know...I was at the White House the every day the week of the infamous Bible selfie and troops were ordered to shoot gas and rubber bullets at us and no one rose up, not even the 2A people who claim that scenario is exactly what the 2A is for because they were on his side.
Very true. How the military engages will be different. This is all leading to some limited form of martial law. But I also see a police state. They have all our data. They can now watch and listen to everything. They can selectively choose now who they want to imprison. More surgical approach.
As Malcolm Nance has said, we can expect about a third of the military being willing to follow illegal orders. We will win, we have the numbers. It will not be nice because the magadiots have reality issues.
Trump has no regard for military men and women. He has no concept of honor, duty and service. He is no patriot and actually loathes this country. I just find it hard to believe that any military person supports this draft dodger unless they are a far right winger with Nazi tendencies.
Yes. But Europe will create something stronger. The Brits and French have nukes. That’s enough of a deterrence for now. But Germany needs to really step up. Change their constitution and develop a nuclear arsenal. No other country scares the Russians more than Deutschland.
troops against troops, citizens against citizens, troops against citizens. Hopefully you have enough people on your side to defeat the fascists as quickly as possible.
Sort of. Virginia has a few academies & while we voted Blue in the presidential election, we have a Republican Governor who bends the knee to Trump.
His term is up this year, but we don’t vote until November. And frankly, IDK that we have that long.
Yep. And I think if you’re a governor who respects your guard units and fights for their benefits, you’d also have earned their respect and firmed up their oath to the constitution.
Trump disparages the military every chance he gets and is cutting Vet benefits. 1/3 of the Fed are Vets.
obviously like the civilian population, the military itself will be divided. But if the administration engages in blatant tyranny and violence against the citizens then most of the country and world would oppose them.
Most are afraid. Because you’d be labeled an insurrectionist by Trump. A domestic terrorist. Under fascism I’d lose my soul. I’d rather lose my life. Once you commit yourself to die for democracy, you are invincible.
Here’s the thing. Eventually their actions will get us all killed. Either physically or spiritually. I’d rather die than live under a King. And I value my life and my family’s far more than Elon or Trump. The sooner those two are gone, the better off humanity will be. They are Evil.
Our democracy wasn’t as strong as it should have been. Our Founders were concerned about the rise of political parties. We do need system change including exploring a parliamentary system. We also need corporate and dark money out of politics. We have an opportunity for a new constitution.
In order to have that happen, we need opposition party.. which we haven't had in over a century. We have the far right and center right, and wonder why things never got better?
Same in the UK, people don't understand that they are chained because the chains are mental and have been them since birth, they are totally unaware that they are modern day slaves
there will be opportunity to rebuild. It all will depend on the winning side and their will to carry forth change. A new constitution that eliminates judicial members serving for life, the electoral college, has strong voting rights are all possible.
I have no problem with the Judges being lifetime appointments, but with a slight change. SCOTUS is a 8 year term, and then send back to lower courts. Every POTUS Gets to pick one SCOTUS per term.
I can't afford to move i thought especially now that I have kids fleeting isn't an option for us and I know there are a lot of others that can't afford to do the same so we resist fight take care of own and leave magas and the 3rd party voters to rescue themselves because they helped cause this
And I understand the privilege and irony in me making that statement. People like me need to go through something like this to truly know what African Americans and the LGBT community has known all their lives.
I get the sentiment but you could never know what it’s like to “go through” what they endure!!
I as a mother of 4 Sons, which 2 are black and 1 is Hispanic could never know what they “go through”
My youngest “African American Son” would say the term, “what they go through” doesn’t apply here!! JS👍🏽
If you can, try going to a range that offers rentals, and trying a few different ones to find one that works for you. The ranges by me don't rent to a person alone unless that person brings a gun to shoot, as there was a suicide with a rental gun a few years ago, so you may need to bring a friend.
As a personal home defense weapon I would have a 12 gauge shotgun. I guess a standard Mossberg shotgun… a rifle goes through too many interior walls, plus you don’t have to be as good an aim with a shotgun. 😁
But, if you want to carry on your person, then I’d like a 40 cal. Handgun.
conservatives have been whining about tyranny for decades only to support the tyranny now. They’re using the 2A for the exact opposite of the original purpose.
1) That’s not a response to the point. The point is that the terror we r living with about r government is the terror Black & indigenous people have lived w for 100s of yrs. It’s a sign of r privilege we haven’t had to carry that terror until now.
This could all be a distraction while they are selling our country quietly to Russian and Saudi Arabian interests. I doubt our military will be turned on Americans or be sent to another country. They will just pay Israel troops to take Gaza. This is their strategy. It’s not going to be obvious
Me too. I have no retirement plan and am very tired of working. If at all possible, I actually want to be out front in the protests when shit hits the fan. I’m not afraid and am no hypocrite and will die before I get ruled by Nazis
The left has gun owners who actually care about the original point of the second amendment. The right-wing militias cosplays as a bunch of freedom fighters or something but they’re all tyrants.
The GOP legislature and its leadership are the engines that allow Drumpf and Musk to be. Throughout Biden's Admin., GOP legislators took their direction from Drumpf -- not who we elected. And Corporate CEOs are selfishly behind Drumpf -- so they don't have to pay their fair share. So sick. Selfish.
Dont worry. I can bet everything i have that they will be taken out by same ‘capitalist class’ that financed,put them where they are. Since its increasingly becoming obvious fantasies of gop loons will cost them everything including their heads. Where do u think they can run? They would be crucified
The general crisis and instability is enough to crash Wall Street but crashing the market is probably part of their plan, like in russia in early 1990s.
Then the oligarchs pick up assets cheap, very cheap. And huge wealth moves from ordinary Joes to them.
And add Putin in for the trifecta. If he was ousted and no longer giving the marching orders, this team of useful idiots - who can't shoot straight on the best day - will start shooting each other.
Here is hoping God strikes them both dead, maybe with a heart attack or brain aneurysm, plane crash (no air traffic controllers) or bolt of lightning doesn’t matter to me. Thank you God in advance for answering my prayers (and probably the world), amen.
They are not the only evil ones. This is a carefully calculated plan and Vance, Thiel, all the way down there are criminals in the highest stations of government and in line of succession to be President. Playing this by the rules is going to be difficult if not impossible.
There are plenty of enablers and people who are complicit.
You can’t be neutral in this fight. You are either on the side of facism. Or you are on the side of democracy. There is no middle ground.
And it’s frustrating that Dem leaders still think there is a middle ground. There is no path there.
But as Americans we need to decide now if we are on the side of fascism or on the side of democracy.
I will swear no loyalty or live under a King. I would rather die.
When those rights get taken away, people will most definitely feel it and won’t like it at all.
Germany never really had a democracy or Bill of Rights.
"I was just following orders" isn't gonna save them in the end. It didn't at Nuremberg.
This future massacre is steam rolling its way to us.
We enter this conflict with eyes open.
WWIII coming
Their lives are forfeit.
Trump becomes Judge, Jury and Executioner.
I want a public hanging. I want the public to see how a true patriot dies.
And the citizens just died. Other citizens just watched them die.
It will happen again.
I think many will refuse and many will arrest those troops who do.
Right now, I'm too jaded to be hopeful.
But I do hope that none of my predictions come true.
If we do, we are unpatriotic and not Americans any more.
If soldiers shoot on civilians, martial law is declared, and organized “resistance” goes to ground.
And I don’t see how a nationwide martial law could even work. It works best in a specific area.
There’s not nearly enough military to enforce it.
Blue state governors would tell Trump to fuck off.
Women it appears have no problem standing up to rapists and felons.
Men are a huge disappointment.
But, I agree with what I think is your larger point. An assymetrical resistance conducted by a sated, spoiled, unserious populace against a technologically superior foe is facing Everest-level odds.
Blue state governors tell the mad king to fuck off and he nationalizes the National Guard.
I fear you are operating by rules that maga and the mad king no longer intend to follow.
Unfortunately, I’m afraid you will see…
States have rights. We already fought a civil war over this.
And citizens didn’t vote for fascism and the destruction of the Republic.
We have a right to overthrow it.
Listen, it’s all well and good to fantasize about a resistance, but the real truth about assymetrical warfare is it’s messy, grimy, and unlikely to succeed in the short term.
It’s hard
I don’t know the answer, but I do know, your prescription (valiant as it may be) will be more likely to fail than succeed.
Citizens are no match against the military. But you have every right to defend yourself.
We're gonna pay for this for decades.
Ukraine hates us
Not all military support trump...they too will be divided.
However, some MAGA gun owners (e.g., pardoned for Jan 6) may show up to help the military murder protesters -- a la #KyleRittenhouse.
It sounds crazy, I know, but probably a more likely scenario.
Need those in the Military who stand by their oath to join us and fire on the Fascists
Civil War. Millions of Americans die and who knows who wins?
Unimaginable and yet? Plausible
And even if he federalizes the Guard under martial law, blue state governors will defy him. That’s when you have a Civil War and active rebellion.
And all the military academies are in blue states.
His term is up this year, but we don’t vote until November. And frankly, IDK that we have that long.
It's almost worth it for that alone.
Trump disparages the military every chance he gets and is cutting Vet benefits. 1/3 of the Fed are Vets.
Would never have considered this possible, but here we are
The entire US military structure in WW2 was half of what youd need to occupy the US.
They routed from the taliban. Now they want to do the same thing but behind their own lines while starting fights with 10,000 km of border?
They literally cannot.
We need to say it loud!
They need to know we will not go quietly into the dark.
They become the terrorists in your life.
I as a mother of 4 Sons, which 2 are black and 1 is Hispanic could never know what they “go through”
My youngest “African American Son” would say the term, “what they go through” doesn’t apply here!! JS👍🏽
Dont underestimate the support you have from those like me. We will all make a difference together.
As a personal home defense weapon I would have a 12 gauge shotgun. I guess a standard Mossberg shotgun… a rifle goes through too many interior walls, plus you don’t have to be as good an aim with a shotgun. 😁
But, if you want to carry on your person, then I’d like a 40 cal. Handgun.
At least that's what I like.
38 would be ok too.
But let's see how many of those 2A gun nuts have the fortitude to defend their country.
Actually, they're shuttering the FBI. Who do you think they will they use for jack booting instead? The CBP?
Trump will have his militias be his brownshirts.
Jack booting needs real humans with real boots. AI isn't that.
While online can gate and direct the real, in the end, the real reigns.
Focusing on small percentages of minorities who voted for Trump distracts from the real problem, white people.
The voters who switched to back Krasnov. They knew he was evil but they just couldn’t help themselves.
We (UK) live under a king, he's a dick, he's expensive, we don't (IMHO) need him...
but, he isn't plotting to put us (and the rest of the democratic world) under FASCIST rule.
You don't have a 'king', you have a highly malevolent government, ALL 3 branches!
The general crisis and instability is enough to crash Wall Street but crashing the market is probably part of their plan, like in russia in early 1990s.
Then the oligarchs pick up assets cheap, very cheap. And huge wealth moves from ordinary Joes to them.
Mar 14 is don't go to work day + don't buy anything.
Full country extended shutdown to follow.
You can’t be neutral in this fight. You are either on the side of facism. Or you are on the side of democracy. There is no middle ground.
And it’s frustrating that Dem leaders still think there is a middle ground. There is no path there.
I see two factions developing in the ranks. Loyalists to Trump. Loyalists to the constitution.
This will create a civil war within the military. It will be a bloodletting event.