Left and liberals are severely disunited which plays right into false moral equivalence arguments from the neo-fascist cabal. Everyone has to answer the questions of where do we compromise so we can win the hearts and minds of more independents, swings, moderates, and the burned bottom right.
Doesn’t mean compromising to the #1 most urgent enemy right now (appeasement won’t work) which is this tech-bro-accelerationist/anti-democracy cabal, but it means understanding political-cultural barriers, and how to lower them so we can all unite on excising this lethal cancer, first and foremost.
The left imagining an armed revolution losing the right bottom, center, and left center won’t work (lacks critical mass); nor would liberal appeasement of these neo-fascists.
A 2–3% jump is something, but it's not going to shift much: that y-axis is quite misleading. Honestly, that he still has such approval is (naïvely) shocking.
Reading other posts it doesn't sound like it's just about public opinion, poster doesn't seem to believe there's anything out of the ordinary going on and the "Dems are in disarray" is the only outrage.
lol this is absurd. I am fully aware that everything out of the ordinary is happening. I promise you. I have two masters in IR and PubPol. But yes, I do post “Dems being in disarray”-adjacent things (if that’s what you want to call it) because their messaging and priorities only signal that.
I’d simply like some effective and clear messaging to come out from Dems. It’s a party that is so deep in its own bubble (a vestige of the Obama era) that it can’t find ways to effectively communicate & position itself—a fact that’s only been made worse by Trump because he made dems a big tent party