So I save this post for when I actually have time to engage
I got time to today
I played hooky
I have over 10k of followers
I don't want this to be like Twitter
Where I only engage reg. w/a few
You followed me
I want to hear from you
Each of you...
So please, for the love of all that's holy...
I got time to today
I played hooky
I have over 10k of followers
I don't want this to be like Twitter
Where I only engage reg. w/a few
You followed me
I want to hear from you
Each of you...
So please, for the love of all that's holy...
My Lizzy and Frankie say good morning back to Ms. Dolly...
An Aussie mutual of mine sent this to me recently
I think it's funny as shit...
They need to go on a diet...
Getting a little chunky for the front lines...
I was worried for a sec...
Sorry for the late response
I'm fine thank you for asking
I too have lower back pain often
Doc told me It's arthritis
I start physical therapy for it in a week...
I too have had angst about how to find here, those i loved following on Twitter...
It sucks cause I don't remember most of their I'm fucked...
Not sure who the dog
You're a genius....
I've used that meme for years
And no one has ever been able to identify the dog
You nailed it...
His name is Shadow...
TY sooo fringen much...
Good afternoon your time to you...
Morning still for me....
Yea, your family is here now...
Mine too...
I just glanced at your page
Ya gots some good posts/reposts there...
I remember in high school that was something I excelled at. 😂
I hope your day is awesome!
I've been building my own kitchen cabinets for months
Working on the Glass Paned doors for the upper wall cabinets currently
Haven’t seen a photograph since the base units.
Working on the face frames and the doors which will be "glass paned"...
It's a slow process...
Let me take some quick photos for you...
I need an editor
"We're here "NOW"...
Was what I meant to say...
Fuck me...
Ribbons on the right
Is Ribbons boy or girl too?
They are soooo handsome...
My Lizzie and Frankie are waving their paws....
So Lizzy I adopted first...
She gets so excited and wound up,
She was young enough to rename
So I named her "Lizzy Borden" cause the bitch gets crazy when she's wound up...
Frankie I adopted second
He came w/the name "Frankie Blue Eyes"...
Deep breaths...
My thoughts will be w/you
Hoping your day is bright
and your nights filled w/stars...