To the People who No Longer use Meta
How has it been and has the shift been easy for you?
(asking because I think I'm going to stop using mine in a couple months)
How has it been and has the shift been easy for you?
(asking because I think I'm going to stop using mine in a couple months)
I'm trying to collect irl friends numbers and discords to keep in touch. That's really my only concern.
I unfollowed or unliked every group and page. I have one group I moderate that I’m looking for someone to take over. I’m not scrolling endlessly all day. I don’t want them to earn money from me watching ads.
Just need to find a replacement for instagram
I now use Signal for messaging. It has features similar to Meta messaging, while keeping your data encrypted and private.
I've stated using Reddit for more. My partner reminded me that Reddit is run by the users for the users.
Has it treated you well since the shift?
My long distance friend & I chat daily via messenger, we made the switch at the same time and we're not missing Meta messenger at all.
This screenshot I saved to send my friends with invite links
For IG: I agree that we need an alternative. There hasn't been a mass migration yet to any other photo app, afaik.