The line I cited was an example of 1920s nazi propaganda, the actual propaganda. If you're saying that replacing the word Jew with some other word makes that ok, well good luck with life.
“Jew” is a term which refers to someone from a particular ethnoreligious group. Ethically speaking, it’s an entirely value-neutral term, because it’s a denotative term for a group that has no negative ethical weight to it—unless you’re an antisemite, of course.
“Nazi” is a term which refers to someone who holds a particular political position rooted in fascist ideology, antisemitism, and white supremacy. Ethically speaking, it’s NOT a value-neutral term. It’s a denotative term, yes, but—and hang on, because we’re about to get wild—being a Nazi is BAD.
Being a Nazi is not value neutral, so you can’t simply swap out “Nazi” with “Jew” to make the clever point you failed to make there.
Punching Nazis—killing Nazis, even—is ethically good, because letting them remain alive and un-punched leads to thousands, even millions of deaths… including Jews.
It does though, you absolute dunce. "I want you to eat a cookie" and "I want you to eat a grenade". See how it works? Punching a Nazi=good, something society should all agree on and someone who equates that with punch LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE is a Nazi sympathizer
They don’t.
Cry more, quisling… or, better yet, shut your fucking mouth and do some self-reflection on when you became a fascist sympathizer.
Okay, look, I’ll hold your hand while we walk through this. I know, complex thoughts are scary, but we’ll get through it together, alright?
“Jew” is a term which refers to someone from a particular ethnoreligious group. Ethically speaking, it’s an entirely value-neutral term, because it’s a denotative term for a group that has no negative ethical weight to it—unless you’re an antisemite, of course.
Punching Nazis—killing Nazis, even—is ethically good, because letting them remain alive and un-punched leads to thousands, even millions of deaths… including Jews.
Thus violence directed against nazis because they're nazis is fine.
Glad I could clear this up. Wankstain.
Your average 40s German wasn't a nazi, but a count of hands "who thinks violence against jews is not fine" would have been pretty sparse.
The indoctrination behind that didn't start with Jews tho. It started with "commies".