It is simply an extension of slavery under the confederates. To think of it any other way, or call it a "system" demonstrates inter-galactic-tone-deafness.
if you want actual change in the US three things must stop: 1) politicians choosing their own judges.
2) Politicians running their own elections.
3) Politicians drawing their own districts.
That is not how a real democracy functions.
While we're all laughing about what a moron Trump is, remember that senile, ignorant, narcissistic moron outplayed the legal system, the Constitution, every check & balance, and all of us.
You give trump too much credit. The man is an imbecile of monumental proportions. He is a laughingstock throughout the entire world. It is the system that is hopelessly corrupt.
So maybe it is time to demand change. Republicans are determined to make the American public even dumber. What do you think the logical conclusion to that will be? You will just fall farther and farther behind. Every dynasty in history eventually destroyed itself.
Well, 77m voted for the idiot and 90m didn't care enough to vote at all. That's a lot of dumb to overcome.
At this point, I think the options for a peaceful return to democracy are dwindling fast. The question is, at what point will things get bad enough that an uprising will be inevitable?
Having dealt with these MAGA tards things will never get bad enough for them. Think about it. The ten worst states in the US are all red states and have been longer than I have been alive. trump could murder their entire families and they would still vote for him. Guaranteed.
We didn't need the report to know that. Trump's entire business strategy has been abusing the legal system for decades. It's worked for him over and over again at the expense of good men and women. He has been destroying lives and conning honest business people since time immemorial.
This is S.O.P. for Trumplaw practice. The longer you can drag out prosecution the longer your opponent has time to: a) run out of money, or b) something happens to end the prosecution, or c) you settle and declare victory.
The system is an effing joke because some of us played by the rules foolishly believing everyone would. The other played every dirty trick in the book to achieve their goals . Basically, after WW II the Democrats thought it impossible for the US to succumb to fascism. We were wrong.
The US is no longer a nation of laws. Yet the Democratic leadership will continue to bury their heads in the sand thinking that tomorrow will be a better day.
Well, it won’t.
Tomorrow won’t come -not in the way they think. There is no nonviolent ‘coming back’ from this.
The scary think is, it started in the 1960's when the Koch brothers took over the GOP. With their slow and covertly subversion of US Democracy.
Then 🇷🇺 saw their chance to get their agent in office in 2016, which made everything worse.
He didn't win shit, the election was rigged for him and the gop (government of Putin) to win all branches of the government so they could loot it without anyone stopping them. This could be the beginning of the end of America. R.I.P. America 1776-2025
The word "justice" does not apply to our system of courts. Our courts are modeled on the Free market. It is adversarial, whoever has the best lawyers wins the "contest" that the judge presides over. It's a meritocracy for lawyers (money) that determines if the accused has enough wealth to win.
Why even waste money getting educated anymore? The colleges should have seen this coming and warned students that paying for education might be pointless.
Yep. I agree the fucking criminal justice system is a joke.
A corrupt federal judge, Alina Cannon, a corrupt SCOTUS, and Institutlist Merrick Garland dragging his feet.
Felon Donald became FFPOUS - First Felon President of The United States.
That’s right our Justice System Failed to Put him Away Fast because of Bullshit what ever reason know he’s going to President Again and Do so much Damage.
Merrick Garland blocked the most important investigation in US history.
2 effing years gave trump & his partners in crime time to run for office again-sitting President cant be prosecuted, and all that BS.
Garland is a traitor to his office & the US Constitution that he swore to uphold🔥🔥🔥
Reality: If trump was an average person, the investigation would have been immediate for such serious crimes-especially stealing the classified docs.
Remember there are still 45 Folders of highly classified docs missing from trump's looting.
Garland & our justice system placed trump above the law.
You have to wonder in a century from now, have the history books will portray this time... Many of us see it now as the beginning of the end of america.... I guess it remains to be seen..
It's hard to believe, but it's true trump has beat the system... And it's also true that the worst is yet to come. So the leader of our country is a liar, a convicted felon.And all of his other crimes, will not be prosecut.. And all the money that backs him is guilty, they have no ethics or shame.
Thank the useless, feckless, impotent Merrick Garland for allowing OrangeDick to run free and gain momentum. While we’re at it- Joe Comatose Biden did nothing to make Garland do his fucking job.
We’re done.
Exactly. Rather not see a report saying we all knew he was guilty, but found every excuse to not do anything about it. Wait til 2029 when it is told HOW Trump swept swing states that voted blue down ballot. Can't wait. Hope my popcorn doesn't run out.
Atty Gen Garland--and Biden by associaton--are Trump co-conspirators. Their feckless inaction put Trump where he is today: Going to the White House, not the Big House.
As much I admire and respect Biden, I can't get over his refusal to replace Merrick Garland, let alone Kamala Harris' lack of influence on such matter. Garland's presence in the judiciary destroyed democracy and normalized crimes. Not to speak of Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff: an inside COUP against Biden
We the People help the downfall of the country. The majority of the people have become lazy when it comes to voting. People don't research the candidates, they only vote for their party. People are easily influenced, they are too lazy to think for themselves, MAGA is using the Nazi plan & winning.
2) Politicians running their own elections.
3) Politicians drawing their own districts.
That is not how a real democracy functions.
So who are the morons now?
But generations of supposedly smart Americans allowed the way to be paved for this, one brick at a time.
If Trump is the ultimate Schlemiel, the rest of us are the ultimate schlemazles.
At this point, I think the options for a peaceful return to democracy are dwindling fast. The question is, at what point will things get bad enough that an uprising will be inevitable?
Well, it won’t.
Tomorrow won’t come -not in the way they think. There is no nonviolent ‘coming back’ from this.
Then 🇷🇺 saw their chance to get their agent in office in 2016, which made everything worse.
A corrupt federal judge, Alina Cannon, a corrupt SCOTUS, and Institutlist Merrick Garland dragging his feet.
Felon Donald became FFPOUS - First Felon President of The United States.
2 effing years gave trump & his partners in crime time to run for office again-sitting President cant be prosecuted, and all that BS.
Garland is a traitor to his office & the US Constitution that he swore to uphold🔥🔥🔥
Remember there are still 45 Folders of highly classified docs missing from trump's looting.
Garland & our justice system placed trump above the law.
We’re done.
IOW, it's really not going to be helpful in fighting the tyranny that is Maga and the trump presidency to be saying "the system is a f'ing joke."