There will be more. This is a relatively easy protest to do. Will get you more in the mood to do outdoor protest maybe. I will feel like i accomplished something today. I hope you do to.
If you’ve been wondering “ what can I, one person, do to make my voice heard and save democracy?”; This IS one thing you can do today.
Tomorrow you can go to and ask for information on your local chapter. Or just donate. Each of us must do our part.
So what’s the point of this? I don’t spend money on a lot of days throughout the year. I applaud your enthusiasm, but are we really accomplishing anything today?
I am!
I procrastinated and didn’t get groceries yesterday, so I’ll be eating canned turnip greens & pinto beans tomorrow.
And counting my blessings because it’s more than millions of people around the world have. Especially with the cuts to USAID!
OMG, I sooo wanted French fries, and I started to pull into the fast food place and went *shit*! I made some kettle corn at home instead for my naughty snack! Probably in the balance it was a better health choice so this blackout day thing is working for me.
✋I have been prepping for the better part of my life for today; being a part of a movement to stick it to the rich. Today is only the first day in the rest of our lives. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Be the change you wish to see in others. #ProudAmerican
I'll be contacting these companies for the third time this week. Feel free to use my script for emails/calls. Boycotts and blackouts are more effective when the companies you're boycotting know you're boycotting and why.
I’ve been on a boycott since the inauguration. I’m not supporting companies actively fighting against democracy or supporting a dictator in America. I only buy what’s absolutely necessary.
Plant seeds for gardening season.
Cook own meals
Ration essential goods,
This is what you do in war. Let the cult pay the bulk of tariffs
We can do this. Time for a national reset.
Tomorrow you can go to and ask for information on your local chapter. Or just donate. Each of us must do our part.
I procrastinated and didn’t get groceries yesterday, so I’ll be eating canned turnip greens & pinto beans tomorrow.
And counting my blessings because it’s more than millions of people around the world have. Especially with the cuts to USAID!