Please use alt-text. It helps make the site more accessible.
Less important but also worth noting - it can be used by developers of custom feeds to curate more interesting feeds.
Less important but also worth noting - it can be used by developers of custom feeds to curate more interesting feeds.
If you want people to use it, instead of making it some weird comment people have to research, just explain it when you mention you'd like people to use it.
Most people not using a-t don't know what it is.
Also the "I don't want to write Alt Text because it could train AI" hurts impaired people more than it does AI chuds.
But I do still use alt text anyway
Sometimes we have to do a bit of extra work to ensure people are included.
Also use #Alt4me in a reply to a photo post and alt text gets added for you.
It's just better for a million reasons.