Ukraine is the breadbasket of the world, producing enough food to feed 400 million people. Trump will hand Ukraine to Putin, and Trump's trade war w/Mexico and Canada could conceivably make us dependent on Putin-controlled Ukraine food production. Especially after he deports migrant ag workers.
Just in case you didn't know.
Since it is the way Russians used to belittle Ukraine, it is offensive.
I am absolutely with Ukrainians.
Just in case you didn't understand.
Spread this info far and wide.We have a shot to actually get a recount if we act fast
There really is a method to his madness.
One that benefits Putin of course.
Or maybe they did and the plan was to just undermine Ukraine to the ignorant base for this very purpose all along.
I'm sick of everyone calling WEAPONIZED FOREIGN PROPAGANDA simply "disinformation."
It’s fact of modern life we just have to mostly accept that stuff we don’t understand -just works! = system fragility
Platonismus hat sich durch Alexander d. G. als Helenismus in allen Religionen / Regionen der alten Welt eingenistet. Gottglaube & Religion bereiten ideal auf d. narzisstische Elitensystem vor, daher geht es mit Religion viel besser als ohne.
Ergebnis ist völlige Entsolidarisierung der Menschen & volle
Plato ist die Vorlage für die Orwell'sch Dystopie.
"Dank" Hegel, Engels & Marx gibt es sie auch in atheistisch & im Naturrecht begründet als Kommunismus.
Die Gesellschaft wird vorallem
Eine fast 100% vorlagengetreue Theokratie n. Plato ist der heute-Iran. Das gesellschaftl. Zusammenleben incl. Familie, Arbeit, Wirtschaft, Soziales, Erz. & Bildung ist n.d. Sharia religiös geregelt.
Dies wurde durch Guerillataktik erreicht, indem in Zellen (evengelikalen Sekten u.Ä.) Idealgesellschaften ausgerollt wurden, die sich homogen ineinander fügen
it would take a lot of work to figure this out
eg, Ukr is 10% of world wheat, and wheat is 20% of world calories, so UKR wheat is 2% of world food, or about 80 million people
so not far off
Here are two crazy examples of what happens next:
The US vodka market will collapse overnight as superior Russian products hit our shelves.
Gunmen will get access to the AK47 a superior assault rifle to the AR15.
And there are already plenty of AKs in the US :)
He simply doesn’t care about US.
Oligarchs gonna oligarch.
Just pointlessly shifting the axis of the world for one individual dictator to be even richer.
Time to learn how to speak Russian and Mandarin.
Add the components of taking away food assistance for 41M m+ and deporting the people who get the food to the table.
Starve the people, weaken the resistance. Seize total control.
The FIRST thing they do is starve you. Mass panic. Runs on stores. It’s not just paper products this time. It’s food.
Then they push some aging for profit dogfood MRE’s on the poor to keep them barely alive.
"The Small Arms Survey estimates that there are 393 million guns owned by civilians in the United States"
Putin has declared war on the US but hasn’t dropped a bomb.
The last time Trump put a Tariff on China, they laughed all the way to the bank & we paid the price!
Ukraine is one of the world’s top agricultural producers and exporters and plays a critical role in supplying oilseeds and grains to the global market.
Guess Alan Greenspan and the vulture capitalists got it completely wrong, while stripping America of it's manufacturing and produce.
I don’t know why Biden and Harris are not doing something to prove election was fixed and stop the nonsense now