Continuing with Yellow Legacy this Saturday the 16th!
But for now, post your favorite Pokemon and if i catch it at ANY POINT IN THE EVENT, then i name it after you!
First come first serve, so make sure you check the comments before saying something already taken!
(Try to avoid legendary pokemon!)
But for now, post your favorite Pokemon and if i catch it at ANY POINT IN THE EVENT, then i name it after you!
First come first serve, so make sure you check the comments before saying something already taken!
(Try to avoid legendary pokemon!)
So i'll hatch it and actually use Togepi for once!!! (It's been AGES since i've used one!)
That orrrrrr... maybe i'll save it for a later gen game and get a togekiss? hmm... so many ideas!
I'll try to remember that!
That'd be a great choice for Gen 2!
I've just never used one because i don't typically go for normal types, but who knows, maybe this run will change things!
I really enjoy Arcanine though, so i'll keep it in mind!
Just whenever i get a growithe/arcanine, since i'm only allowing myself one through every gen (though Legends has Hisuian variants i may allow myself to catch, so i might get 2 different ones throughout the challenge since they count separate on my living dex)
Might have to try paras out at some point, so i'll try to keep that in mind!
Good excuse to get a garchomp at some point!!!
Arceus wouldn't be gotten in any run anyways, as i'm not 100%ing any runs.
My baby girl~
But valid, if i find one, she's yours~
Good ol 1% encounter rate in Dark Cave
Already have my ground type for yellow, but Diglett cave would be great for one!
I've never used one before!
Maybe that'll change this time around!
I wanted to go for my small Mawile, but I’ve tried a run using it, and I don’t want you to feel pressured into doing that.
This would make for such a unique Sw/Sh run!
Until the fairy gym where the champion pick your rival as a worthy successor… Oi, I just obliterated you with a team that’s more fitting for your gym, and you’re gonna give it to him?! *hmph*
I've never tried a monotype run, might be interesting!
I'll keep that one in mind!!
I can't use eevee because i need to conserve that for Let's Go Eevee, but if i get it for the EXPRESS purpose of evolving into Espeon, then i think i can say that that's ok!!!
Such a good mon that i never find myself getting to use!
It was released in X/Y, right?
I should be able to find a good home for it, if not there, then in the Hisui region!
(Magikarp was taken tho, sorry!)
I had forgotten about it!
I'll probably try for it in one of the gen 2 games! (crystal or heart gold!)
I'll have to do my best to remember that!
I definitely want one in a future game, just not sure which gen it'd be best for 😭
And damn, I was too late, good taste, Alfira.
So it's not like Black/White2 where the box legendary swaps.
Close enough! I'll keep it in mind! I just didn't want everyone scrambling for all of the legendaries, but i can name one or 2 after people~
Or something??????
I genuinely don't know cause i only ever played regular sun.