can you guys not aggressively harass this person under my post just for trying to break down their issues with shrek's design
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My problem is that they completely changed Shrek's face/head shape. OG Shrek's head is more trapezoid shaped while the newer head is like a slim hexagon shape. I found an image where someone edited him to look more like himself. I just readded the crows feet since they accidentally removed them.
1. They give Puss in Boots a redesign.
2. It been 15 years after the release of Shrek 4.
3. I think it’s a good idea to make Shrek a little bit older.
It's the internet, people can be as much of an asshole as they want since they know they won't face repercussions. And without the threat of those some people don't see the "value" in having the bare minimum amount of manners.
I’m an animation fan. I’m used to cartoon styles changing halfway through seasons. This feels like a natural progression to me
You can just not like it, and that's fine. But some folks are trying to prove it's a bad movie
Sonic was better for it, the designs were genuinely uncomfortable. Shrek just looks more cartoony, but it's a cartoon.
My biggest complaint about the later sequels were they looked intentionally grotesque.
go learn some character design basics and come back with a handwritten apology please
Like this is a comically small change none of you would’ve even noticed why are people so upset lmao