I agree fully with Aubry, if he makes you feel that it's your fault then get rid of him, you did nothing wrong, he's the asshole in the relationship and to tell the truth he doesn't deserve you.
She really needs counseling bc I fear her inability to see these neon red flags is going to follow her to her next relationship if she successfully ends this one.
That woman needs to say bye bye to him, change her email, change her username and password to any social media she gave to him her login credentials for. If he starts being stalkerish, she needs to do what she can to protect herself like restraining orders.
She needs to change both her log in info and the email attached to that account YESTERDAY!
She better be worried that he'd message, while pretending to be her, those guys who actually helped her get better at the game to sabotage her friendships with them.
She didn't do anything wrong at all. On the contrary, she tried too hard for a guy like that. At this point he seems so abusive that I'm afraid he'd off her if she initiated the breakup.
He’s a nope. Don’t waste your time. He’s right he won’t let this go, and do you really want to hear this forever. More fish in the sea don’t tie yourself down.
Oh this bit just makes me sad for her. That she feels like she did anything wrong here is just ridiculous. "A bit of the possessive side" is massively understating it, but it's also his own issue to sort out. Confidence, lady! Live your life and make all the friends you want!
I dated a gamer with similar problems. In my case, we played an MMORPG together, and he got mad when I friended some people in game, and they taught me how to play better than him. I'm not saying all gamers are toxic, but a lot are. It's a very dangerous community when paired with male insecurity.
Nope. He’s a lost cause. She didn’t do anything wrong here that I can see. She’s going the extra mile to try and make up for his chasm of insecurity. Time to move on.
Also why does he have your Instagram logo and why is he checking it?
This guy expects to be irrationally insecure and then have women modify their behavior to accommodate that. No! You don’t get to do that! Show some strength dude!
This poor girl has been so abused she actually thinks SHE was wrong for having some online acquaintances! Also, her boyfriend uses the r-slur, so that says everything you need to know about him. She needs to dump his ass and find someone less toxic to game with.
jfc. We really brutalize our girls when we raise them, don’t we? How could this even be a question? They’ve only been together for two months. Also, why such a tool? Girl’s willing to practice gd video games to be a better partner. Fucking cherish her.
For me, I'm happy with no man in my life and I'm proud of it.
And yeah, these are a lot of red flags. Run, girl.
Dump him, indeed. He is a major 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
She needs to RUN!!
She better be worried that he'd message, while pretending to be her, those guys who actually helped her get better at the game to sabotage her friendships with them.
For her situation dump him and sadly this type of man is a trope at this point!
Also why does he have your Instagram logo and why is he checking it?
At 2 months in, claiming that talking to other gamers is cheating, and verbally abusing her.
He’s a living, breathing argument for the bear.
I know. It’s had to see red flag when you have rose coloured glasses.